The Liverpool Weekly Mercury from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)

a a a TIDE TABLE. 39,10 SHIPPING. ARRIVED. Jun MAT 29. Hampton Court.

reston London Ga. Dudley Pomaron Rannockburn Wilmington Venetian Rio Racha Quebeo Callas Trinidad Orleans Catalan Orieans Britannia (rms) Valparaiso City of ESchmond York Priuses Ins! Herbert Beech, St. John, N.B. Oporto Thebes Alexandria Castilian Valery Mccarian York JUNK Illinois Philadelphis Brooklyn Quebec Terk Thebes A (se) Olympus Burriana Humber Ta Deserin Rio Charleston Grande Macedonia Victoria (sal T'erracola Adfutant lost of Jamaica Graf Scandinavian Enenos Moutrenl Agres Isabel Sutherland Crates Patagonia New York Hamburg Antigua Lisbocense Para JUNE 3. Donita Havre Arizona (sal York I Charleston Bucentaur Alexandria Vincal MAY Hennai (sal Orieana Dublin P.E island City of Venico Prince New York (st Boston Pusan Stella N.B Porto Plata Jane John, N.B.

Quailiss) Rio Grande Mobile Nova (re), Baltimore Cumberland Lake Egret Manitoba Rotten Black Sea Huelra Hall Bornbay Hera BAILED. 29. N.B. MAY Gal Beeinso Bahia Arabian iria Nubia Africa is City of trine), Hen York York Montreal Bert Thomas Perry, St. John, N.B.

J. L. Asuldeld Insulsa. To Bonita Jane Sir Henry Lawrence, Calcutta Rhekloi Queen Rachello 2. Lethaite Janeiro Brutes Margaret West In dies Porester Dordt AL Mark York of the Quebec Rio Grande Thea Darro Abrahan BJ.

MAY 30. de la Mer Arendt, Astarion Caravella Demerara Otter. Island Havans Libertas Obio Tetrian Ambrose Grecian Band Maris Tern Caddie Annette Ml Vancouver MAr 31. Enrique Queen Havre Borinquen Rico Bravo, Valpariso Lasa Rochelle Bells German's York Equity N.B. Moravian 1 Nelson de Galle Eugla (o SATURDAY, MAY 29.

Find moderate breeze; at Holyocal W. gentle trees, WRECKS AND CASUALTIES. from New and mods Oricana water for during Bordeaux, the voyage. reports baring Joseph Fisher (schooner) and Sweden bare been Escared heavily to in the river Mermy. Both sustained Robert A.

Chapman, from New York, which tale grounded etitering Calais, Ens teen got and is now in By Molegram from West from Cost of Africa Calsis, for Liverpool. dated Misdeira, May 28, states- Tadar routalla positica. Cargo discharged, apparen'ly 22 dimasted, 19 by the Solitaire, San derelict with all standing bus no sails this port, parsed on the 28th April in 48 20 by the Cicia, at Nattes. The Kikirocd, San Nicolas st Falmouth, the reports on the is She had 22 been on Dacrisik, ahandoned. was still burning forward.

The after part of house burned of the Mary Etenhonse, from Adelaide at Queena ed Jan. 15. Came lg the Cape of Good Hope, light and fine weather all throughout to port, until had 40 From 47 N. to 42 W. winds mately with strong breezes and the high as.

states that the master of Gads ado a long passage from to Bomber. from the equator, from and 1 be has no fear for either the Carnatale that he dev the Roselle. The former is about air mouths and Latter five months ont. Thomas, of tiro Lebeck for a general cargo, has May Lito Dragor She will Barkaway discharge for British repairs. barque), for Penane, 2 with of put in and stanchions.

Her shows of dosit for furiber Part of cargo will surveyed, and was recommended that so ba The 8.7. Land, from Landacoca Louisa, has pat furomast May 2. barquel. but New has Yorz She is very damaged, and for Deck, on Bunderland sinsa dock to-dag. May 28.

-Tine Catherins (German saved. schooner) totally lost on the Spit, Opobo. Crew lout. Mag in com upright, cronaded She lying no and is expected off, and from gasterday, May 28. -Tho Tournias in collidon st Puinar J.

houn at had indeated and other Tutauros, the and to to plates. African at Capelown, May 11, and left for the Pritannio (al, from benon at New at York Port as 9 Bald 30 p.m. 28, to-dago and Britannia for Bomber. City Cameroon Iraa), time), from the hence Weak at Cosst of Africa, st of Chester Now York May 29. Wig Juanbe from at Algus Bay.

May 10. from London at Alton Play. May 3. Tialls Bombay for Boston tale for tide port port May mailed May New York Mag 23. tram East London at Capetown, May 9.

The following telegrams bare been received at tho Rooms this lay May Arrived: Selim, from LArerpool. Liverpool. Adich, May test, truin -Pared: Laughing from from Japan, both for Cornwall for New York. from Liverpool. 20.

-Arrived: tusi, froun Arabella. from London. Arrived: Lady pal, from win. Molina teal, from Liverpool, Anised: Tunisia from Liverpool. Head, Passed: Alstas pal, for Landou.

Mag, 2. Arrived: Mary and Johns, Pioneer from Burbadoes; from from fo), Bristol City (as, for New York, and for Mar 2. Liffey, from St. John, for New York. Ogir and Cort Adler, from Celestia.

Arrived: City of Manchester (sal, City of for London. -Salled: pol, fer Rotterdam trom Nestor Pratrie Mower (st, from Sable: Amelia, from du Garna (os), Hone; an Dadda frosa Sailed: colt for for Elbao; Maris for for Peruntniraco; for East Lodiion; G. S. Wilkinson for for Jeune St. Vincent, for for Gunas; Zeal, for Luadon, for toe Demerara: Vietoria, for Cherbourg: Maris Theresa, far Quimper; wad for Mar Dudley (est, of of of London: Glendale pad, of Hartlepoal; Tar, of Tern of Cork.

Dundee. Arlington, from for San Prancisco. Del, May Nestor tal, Tirerpool: for Liverpool: Lennie, for Sydney. C.3., fruin frum Sir Peel, from from Punts Arenta: Spowdonts, from Porto Rico; Agnes, from New Yorks: frota Sydney: Burpedon from Shanghal; 8. From Pagannug for Dudley Bilbury for 4p4 Liabon, bath frein London: Beaconsteld, for Lgun; Orienna (sol, for 8t.

for New Khornsan, for Otago, London: Mater, from Goole for Philadelphia; fros London for Rio Janeiro; City of Amsterdam Opdato: Gibraltar Vigo: J. Heidensno, Bella Star, froma Verdinando for London: Bcaper, of Guernny; and of Dover, May Agrion from for Antwerp: at of troth Tamaras for Hull Dora (sv, of Carneha for Mid Derborough; for in, from Penarth Antwerp: Ext King fer Bombay: tai, fast, from London for from the Tyne for Proctoria: Elsa Antaerp for Sarpedon les), for the Cothard Crom for from Inton for St. Cyninia, from Eydney: Starling, of Goole: Oleander, el London; of Itoll Call, of London; Ruby, far Florence, of Newport: Helen Richanis, Bhidte: Coquette, from Progreso for Hamburg: finetitia, froen New York for Hamburg: Switzerland foots Phils for Antwerp: Dante (as), fruns for Jeanette, tram Boston for Northern Light, fur Cyrzus. Palmonth, May 2. Arrired: Havilah, from San from Fri from Adelaide; Star, from for Fred Kirk wood, from Naomi, Grota Allegro, from Ilio and Graf from Buenos Aster, Sailed: Bolo for Liverpool: Fritz, for Antwerp: Ellerbank, for and Cecilia, from for Gonia Glascow, May Arrived: Acadia from Boston.

Gran May 29. -Bailed: Elwand, for burg: ferlond, for Eermann, for Grange outa for Rotterdam vin Middledborough; Wangerland, for Memel. 2, Australia for Southampton. CHE: May 26, itay 28, Lascelles (ad. Selled: cone Hail from Bombay for Liverpool Hamburg.

25 Sleipner Frisia From from Liverpool. Mag Arrived: Acadia lat, of the West, from John', Ardxamore to Nora Cores, from Southinor, from Alessmiria', fell, from Montreal, Oparto: Lucerne from Antifores: Abeous, from Balled: lost, fur Picnican for Montreal Dorenby, for Hyuney, for Demerara; Nootni, for Ethel, Join's, N.2.; Casema, for A State of bel, New York: for Alert Reseell, for New York. Gra May from Blonde ten, from Garonne (a), from al, Dynises, frotn Vesta from Hamburg; Dunkirk: Petrel (sel, Oporto; Dolphin from Balder frow Sebwalhe Reiber both from Ercmen; Ophelia feet, from Bir R. Pedi (an, from New York: Barranca, Punts Arenas: Jouchim Christian, froth Manilla: Outhie, from from Epincy: from Dieppo: frowa sufort: Sobrton, from Melbourno: rood: Ambient from Croustade Coma from Toronto from Riga: Centurion Carthages: Erot from Riza: Ellarion, from New York: Trocedero Coals: and Hobart Town. Sailed: for Stay -Anired: Thomas Wilson (ml.

Veddo and Bride lost, all from Pingal (en), from In), from Rouen: China Ian, from Jed: Hermes, in 8t. Johns, for via, for Gene; Uranus for for Christiania: Bollo for Amalie for Farce. Harelds (ad. for Venice, My William Ved, from for Rotterdam: Henry Anning from Baltimore New York for Havre: New York for Hull; and from New Leith, from May Hamburg: Arrived Clenzoen (ed). from Riga; Warbers, from Otto, Prague for for Hamburg: Amulet (sal, for May 2a Bonny (as), from Henburg.

Landra' Matrid, May Midorado from Maine, May May 20. -Arrived: Rainbow, from Algon ten Corisco from left for Liverpool: Arrived: Fawin from (ss), from Alexandria, Bombay Malta, for nil well. Morille, May Anchoria lad, for New Arrived: Moutrosa (set, from May Athenien fed, from (Izas from Chias. Balled Gel, Tar London.

Nicolsict, Point, May May 29. Valhalla (ss), for Malta. A 1 1 THE LIVERPOOL WEEKLY MERCURY, SATURDAY, JUNE 5. 1880. Leechmere from HamMay Arrived: J.

B. Say from Nantes; Uranie, for Montague Anne Duncan, Suray (rs), for for Bahts: Orion, Altons Hamburk for wed: Puerto Lennox from Bingapore lochgorum, trams Port Smith, for Bouta Rouen. Waterloo, from burg: Gallo Cornwall Ivar, for Cabello: Forma Lawson from Falmouth, June 2-Arrived: Dorm, from San John Hohnaberg from from Adrialle, Havre; and Saded: Garonne Inland Maid, from for London, Corinna end for Industria, Hong for Kong: Columbiuo (r), for Bordeaux: of London Glencal (en), of of Hall; Middle borough of Bhorsham for Oconn Bordeaux Racer, tor Greenock; Griqua, for Hambors: Bagitta, W. from Kelly Rotterdam for Port Said, May 23, Arrired: Britannia (st, from Livor- Wales, de for Gallo. Tarragona; Euphrates, for Veritas, of Coves; from north for for Liverpool.

Dorian from Gibraltar, Venico Kepler for Ostend for Carthagona; for of London: Beta Balled: Flado for pool, and entered cast, Part May Bengal (Na), from Shields for Dover, June Halewood, from London for Galla, Geraon, Jane May L-Sated: Clan Gordon for Marseilles far L'Orion: Dart, for Port Said, May Balled: Dorunda for London; and Tinto Gal, from for tho Tyne; Chilton Santos Vanessa (se), of London, from Dunkirk; Augusta, June from Alexandria 86. Catherine's Paint, June Lady Aline. Wm. Dicking for Liverpool. Bustorah: from Shields for Trinnoria and from Ljusne for Dover Hercuira, from Antwerp for Quebeo: for Gibraltar, Sues.

-Arrived: Alexandria (ss), Sorata MAy 30-Ardred: Valparaiso. from Val. (al, both for New York: Laura Roily, for Coosan; Bengal (an), from the Tyne for Hats of Hull: Goole, Liverpool. me 2-Saded: Belgium, for New York; Harriet, Wallet Pazo (m), from Bombay for paralso; Ellen Stewart, from Ban Republio Con) Dreadnought, from Trinidad for Landon; Pekin (m), for Mowina, from Gelle: Rotterdam from Golden for Calais. Borate from El.

and both from New York, and proceeded for Mohawk, fur Queboe, Montroce, for St. Vincent, Horn, of Hartlepool: Lawson, of Kibe, from Glasgow, June Olympia for Bombay, via 8 Juno J. B. fur Nantes: Lois, for Liverpool; Ferons, from Ayrea; Roma, from Carolina, Shanghai, Monarch (ea), for Alma, for Port Augusta, the River Plate for Antwerp; and Scots Hay, for New Lucia; York. Liverpool, Fecamp Concord, for Tucsons Primo Nerosinetto, for Leone, Alexandra, Bartolomeo Btu mone, ail New Kingdom of Barony, for Madras, Halcione, for Canterbury, Falmouth, June Arrived: Ids, frum Greenock, June 2-Arrived: Montreal Ventos.

York Talleman, from Port La Grazie and for Sydney, Blenheira, for Ocarina, from New York, Balled: Maris, for Liverpool; Gothenburg; Canada from Ant verp Shields, June from Teresa both from Philadelphia Milton, from Savannah, Cambrian London Princes, from north for west Mary Jamieson, for London and Allegro, for Banda (ad, from from 86. Austrian from Bostou: frous Verbena via lylie, from and proceoded for from (7. Sailed: porauso, all from freit London for New York; Magiona Grenada. Arrived: Woe. Balled: Ware Queen.

Queen, from from Dunelra from John Ormaton Maria, for Greenock Peppina, for Havre: Adria, for City and of Limerici: Schicaza, (m), both from north for went. May 31, Japanese from Alicante, Orgion, for Prince Victor, for from Kap, tree Brevis: Idua, from ChristianBLockholm. (or), of Dublin: Norbert And left for Jana 1, Stelio Selled: Sailed: Janeiro; Freidiz, for Archangel; Guldrogna, for Quebec. gund from Chenezer, from RotterOnlita, May Coanza from Liverpool. Ayros for Bremen Cherokee, of Glasgow: May 31, Wilfred (as), for Newport; Coronel (k), June Arrived: Eyenoord from Rot.

damn Racilia (a6), trom Now York: Trevethick from Soilly, May 29. P. O. M. (French): from from of Buones London: Ulty of Brussels, from for Duke of ins); Argentino from London for the Gravesond, Alford (an), from Amsterdom: and Nieu Disppe; Dunstaaborough (os), and Herrington (sal, from palled bal sprung a lest Passed Trinacria London el Peruvian, of Danube.

Orion (m), from Rotterdam Stork from Antwerp; Rotterdam; Alms, from Carl, Libau; from New Fork for London: Labrador. J. F. Mann, of Stottin; Lionel (m), Nowautle; Primrose Grangemouth, June 1. Arrived: Tugend, from Riga; and Ellida, from Maimo: Agnes Link, from Dantaio; Dee les), Dorcas from Rotterdam Badferd (rs), from Copenhagen; Santander.

-Arrived: Maria (os), from Liverpool of Hartlepool; Juan (a), d2 Liverpool Olive Branch, Moss. Sailed: Amsterdam (as), for Rotterdam. from St. Nazaire; Swift (m), from Ostend; Moselle (as), from Oddone, from Dunkirk Foreign, from H. Seville.

-Arrived: Valdes from Liverpool. of Amsterdam of Ver), Grinshy, June 1. Arrived: Elia, and from from Gette. Boulogne; Peter Graham (Na), from aDd Victory Von Witt (as), from Rotterdam; Julia Wiener from Southampton, May 23-Andred: Oily Demerara, May Blenheim (an), from London. Emmantine, from Dieppe; Dagmar, Vesta, from Bruges.

Balled Gunma Libra (m), and Hawk Hamburg: Lets from Kial; Claremont from Oporto; Wolf from Havre: St. Malo (ail. from Dundee, May 31. -Anived: Advent, from Cronstadt. Bailed: Onyx, for Brevig.

(ss), for Hamburg: and (8), for Calais. Bremerha ren Anna trona Hamburg Alector, Cherbourg. Salled Arrived: South Western for Ss. and Malo. for Sailed: Sapphira and Vesper (as), both for Archangel; Greenock, June 1..

Arrived: Romania, from Moulmein; Pensacola. (a0), Hong Kong, June Oxfordshire (as), from Christian Maria, frown Bjorneborg; and Agust, (a), from Liverpool, left and Thoths (arl, both for Hamburg; Dunalstair Jecluth, and Carin (m), from Bilbao; Oswiey, from for from Dunkirk. Sailed: Lutetia (ps), for Calais: Rothbery Constantinople. Geneva for Biddick for Rochelle: licizuo Balled: Tobago, for Tobago: John Harvey, for New York; London Arrived: (as), for Ebor; Ethel (as). for Cronstadt Allerwash (As), for St.

Vincent, May Denderah fen), and This Christine Bombay: Brage: Courier for Inbock: Ella Harrington, for Manilla; Quail (sa), for Antwerp. Havre. June Arrived: Benuty, from Gallipoli: Harlingen; Abana (5), for. Dunkirk; Tom J. Taylor, and both from the West Coast of South America for Homburg.

(Re), for Berlin, for Dantzio; Ricord, June 1. -Arrived: Branch, from Jamaics: Hull, Somes (as), from Dunkirk; Maria, from Ondiz; Adler, for Swift, for Gothenburg Nitrolaine, Catherine's Polar, Stay Off: Endy Harewood, from Constance for Achille, for Rostock, Nalade, from Ljumne: Utopia (se), from Now Fork; Ada, from Joseph Sailed Winestead, for Reval; G. Heinrich, for Nien Dieppe; Rosario, for Genca: City of Dublin les), Barbados for London: Sinily, from for London: for Dublin, May 31. -Arrived: Uncle, from Colo- from Finshing Montry, from Worcum; Lisa, from New- for Brainen. Petersburg: Beagle, for Lourvig; Regulus, for for Riga Staffa for Cadis; Crane (2) m.

for PhilsKafeteur (mi, from Harnadoes for London; Nurnberz (r). from Boston; Proctor, from New York: Perso- pore: Mariano, and Mystery, from Dunkirk: Gannet St. Hamburg: Panther, fur Dandig: Pucito, delphia; Marianne Briggs (as), for Havre: Julia Werner from Brazils for Bremen: Olive Branch, from Swanaca for mdo John, Thor, from New York: Ines, from Hamburg: Argos from Rouen Chesa Farmund: Gothenburg. for Hamburg; Clio, Anna, for Cronstadt: London: Liberator, from Oran for Newestle: Asshur, frotu veranen, from Sailai: Baltlinore: Languale, for Bilbao; Mora, for from Crontads: from Sundewall: Borgen, from for Inelshowen Head, Jane 2-Arrivod: Mark Twain, from Fido, for Gena Sarah, for Rotterdam; and Northern Belize for Rotterdam bel, from Londou for Ade- Dover. Paasod: Chilton from Shields; Leif, from Windau: Guzo (sel, from Vigo; Strauss (sa), from Bromeu Light, Boulogne.

lalin, via Ply mouth Edward Williams, from Newcastle for for New York: Lamartine, of Tousbers: Erminius, Dolphin les), from Joseph (es), from Soderhamn; Baltimore. Consett (m), from the Black Sen. Trinidad, June Trinidad, for London: Golden of Bidilick of Tamerick Sunderland; from Marions Loudon Delta, Marina from (sol, Kotka: Tropi Bettina, Cronetado: from Jenny Groningen; from Orystal, trom Kingston, Jamaica, June Sailed: Andean for Plover, Table for Bay. United -Arrived Kingdora. Dio Fill, and Ariacsad, both from Sunderland, May Consort from Havre (as), of City Biridick (st, Pilbao for City of Rotterdam les), of Dublin: Masorpa Bushire, Sailed: Crest Loith, for Mexido, Juno 2.

Crest, 1 from Now Yerk; Florida, Cardin; Tymouth Castle (as), from London, Lady Eleanor isl, from Gothen- Ner York; Taganrog for Altons: Upupa of Milan Adelaide. Mobile. Sailed: Glenre fo), for Archangel; Toledo Venice, June L. -Arrired: Orrenian (ss), from Liverpool. burg: Devonshire (sal, from Rouen, Suited: Langley tra), of from Hull; Ar from Baltimore for Bremen Weser Hamburg May Amaryllis les), for the Tyne.

(st, from for Cumberland (us, for Hamburg Wocsuns, Jung 1. -Arrived: Glenrarn os), from Hankue, fur Ostend: Ceres Cal, for Stockholm; Batty, for Malino; New York for Bremen; Progress, of Guernsey: Holl, June from New York: Amor, for St. Petarsburg; Velocity. for and left for Londoa Ledy of the Lake, Chen; Margaret Milne, for Copen- (so), Parry from from Louden for Rouen; Rhy land fs), from Anglian (ed, from limatar, from R. Wyburn: Kelso Oporto, for Yokohama, June 2-Salled: Gentalloch (as), for Amoy Martha, for Memel: Tor, Horseer; Intrepid the Unitad Stales; (so, from London Us), from Stettin: Ludia from Bonlogne: Morom (k), 2.

Thurland Castle, from San and New York. for Constantinople; Berwick, fur Dieppe; Pinnas, for Han- Antwory for of Sated: Alsatia (ral, from from Berlin frota Activ, from Lizerd, Inne Mewling from Cardiff for Havre Sauros, CARER FROM NEW TORR.) bang. for London Marseilles: Now York; Daybreak, Norman Monarch (sal, from London Anna Maria, from Bjorneborg; Sprite las), Francisco: for London; Sagitta, from Falmouth Arrived: L. F. Cann, from West Hartlepool.

May Arrived: Elenore (as), from Norway: Dotoy: for Odessa: Pecca of Gocia; John A. Soutt, of New- Hamburz: Pacific from Christiania; Erato (as), front for from Liverpool. Sydney, -Arrived: Mary K. Campbell, from the Clyde, and Protece, frota Palmy ol. Sailed: Florence cantle: Blenhelin (4), from London for from Valparalad; London Verona for Eign.

Melino: Sailed: 10th (ss), for Rotterdamn. (Previous to June 1), Lothair, from Halifax. Arrired: Martha, Glenols, and Frederick Mary Morticon (st), from Boulegne: Brage (asl, from A (asl, for Kouen; Anna, for Arthur, from Liverponl, and test, for Bona: Jules and Nomeni, for Trouville; 8t. Elizabeth Madras from Pekin test, from London of for Bombny; Halcione, Jamaica, June Arrived: Agatha, and Planter. Belfast.

Malta, Jane 2. -Arrived: Dorunda (m), from Calcutta; Caroline, hum Liverpool. London: Kingdom Alice, for Dens Dudley Resit, for for Venice; and Peterbark: from Tendon for Canter N.Z.; ot Lisbon. Arrived: Munroe (ss), aud Alico (ra), both from A from Newport; and Merkara (a), London. New Orleans Bar, June 8t.

Louis (en), for for Newestle: Northumbria of Londou: Intrepid of Liverpool. May 31. -Arrived: Verniam, from London. Havana and Liverpool. for Santos.

Sunderland; of Penzance; Maggie Warrington, Leith, June Verona (ns), for Stettin; Osborne Oporto (m), for Liverpool, New York, June 2. Arrived: Brimiga, from Dublin: Shields, May 29, -Arrived: Clas Copper Veroca, (a), from from Ancinir: for. (so). Rotterdam; Lydia, from Eliwensor for (el, for Phoenix for (As), Para, Oporto, June Juno 1. -Sated: Bernard for London.

Delphin, from F. Churlotte Young, from from Middlesborough; Workington burg: frotu Rotterdam: Sunderland: Vera (ed), of Antwerp. for Rotteniam: Dora, for Rio Asperio, Inne 2. -Arrived: Longe Iton (ss), from Dieppe. Talia, from M.

Cunn, Jupiter, from Rouen: Barrinaton (re), from Elsinore Sound -Arrived: Neutral, and Kenmore, from Limerick, June 1. Arrived: Nina Seconda, from New Sailed: Penarth, Capalla, for Bingaporo; for Galle; and Amerique from Havre: Herder (ga), from Hamburg: Churinda from Antwerp; Northeoto, from Yerit. for Malts. les), from Havre; T. R.

Arthur Mitchell, from Rio frotu Liverpool. Falmouth, 31. Arrived: Sagitta, from Tabanco: May 31, Told Dixon (eel, from Africa, Alert (a), Jung 2 Sam Slick, for Corunna; Masters, from Sligo: Lord from Liverpool; Alps (es), Dipton from Rotterdams Hastings (ss), Wanted, from May, Bertha, from Port de and left for London. Jailed: Nay 29, (a), for Figwouth, for New York. and Caribel, from the West Indies, Sailed: Athos (ss), for frun Banthwick froin Rosen and Minerva, from Porto Rico; Louise, from Bangkok: Philip London.

June 2. -Arrived: Pataconia (se), from Now the West Indies. from Antwerp Safled: Mary borough, for Corer- Rico; Chariotte Grant, from Adelnidie Lard Humber (es), from Havana: Henry Mice proceeded Liverpool; Addle E. Slemper, from Port Hastings. Arrived: Gavin, and Journal.

dale Howard 1n! Tynenjooth Cantle bal, all for for Wynentang, Havre; Thrash, from Purto from River, Teenis, from Saranuah from New York: from Port Pirlo; Val- York, and for from Oregon. Sailed: Cilian, for Puta delphia. June 3., (so), from Croustade: Trem thick (ent, for Dieppe; for via Cadiz, for Bremen: Black Hikin, for Friede, for from Queen town En from New York. Queensland; Happy Lapwing, Home, for Iron Craig, for Mock Lirerpool, at one am. Sailed: June 1, Horaco (a), for GibEr ontaria: Lionel, for Bilbao: Moravia, for Tronville; Sailed: for Hiavre; for Havro: Montruse, June 1.

Arrived: frow Antwerp, Leone, for Southampton; Teresa, for Havre; Martha, ral tar. Redos, for Northumbria for Raith- Graf Eulenbers, for Liverpool; Olinda, for Antwerp: In- Celuran, for Sentehar. wood: Quebec, Juno 2. Arrived: Carolus Magnus, from the waite Hall for Boulogne; Bahara, Temoti for (c), for J. U.

Hamburg; for Palentue, for Tord- Madeira, May Arrived: Sydenham (sa), from London, for Hull, Janeiro. -Arrived: April 28, Algoma, and La Plato, Tyne: Connemara, Dunkirk: for Harra; Gobl, for Havre; Veteran, for Greenock: and left for Africa. (el, from Liverpool, from Cardifl; Christina, and Kragero, from London; May from 1, from St. John, Liverpool. Baker, Arrived: Adelaide and Reformer, for Havre; Karl, for Oronstadt; Windsor.

for for Stockholm: Urns, for London; Virginia, for Powey; and Therese, for Cygnet from Evans, from Burntlaland; Captain Madson, Wars, for Petaraburg for Plaga, Livemool. Malia. Arrived: May (a), Bombay, and Newcastle, St. John's, N.F.-Arrived: Rippling Wave, from Cadis, Alteero, for 8t, Petersburg; Gothenburg; Bondenux; Grisby, 31. -Arrived: from Mazaburg: left fur Atlantic from Constantinople, June 2.

Arrived: Guernsey (as). and San Francisco. -Arrived: Dorico, from Houg Kong, for Staranger; for Lilletand; for Bell, Albert (st, May from Rotteniam; Lincoln 4) from Antwerp; and left for Liverpool; Fera loc), Liverpocl, and left Southampton, both from St. Malo; Australia (ss), from Cornucopis, for Iclouin, for for Rio Janeiro. George and Anus from Sailed Georgette Las), for June 1 for Calcutta, Bailed: South Western (Re), for St.

Malo; Pekin Queenstown, June 3-The National United States mall for and (as), sod Garland, for Cronetadt; and Madras Arrived: May 31, Nepaul from London; (st), for Colon. steamer Helvetia, from Liverpool, arrived hero at noon Tenerlita- Gaboon (85) Volta from Diappo; Altofts June 1, Duke of Lancaster is, trom London. Bombay; Point, Madway June Coleridge, from Car- today, embarked malls and passengers, and proceeded for Liverpool. Castle (es), from Grave end, for May ormad. Arrived: Oin (st, from Corenhagen Manila, May 27.

Arrived: for Catherine's Middlesborough; Cordons, from Newcastle for New York at one p.m.: All well. The United States mail May Londonn Swaltow (ss), from Ostend; Lindsay, and Trinseria (54), from Naples, May 29. Scolth ins), for Barcolona Hall. from Carthagena; Clyde, of Poole. steamer Ohio, from Liverpool, arrived here at nine a.m.

Han tow far York: Seal from Jutised from Otchakoff, May 20. Sailed: (a), for Gibraltar. Sunderland, June 2 -Arrived: (ss), from Riga; to day, embarked passingers and despatches, and Ounard proceeded Feret from Liverpool New wood, from Barbadoes: Embla Port Said -Arrived: May 31, (as), from Candit. Rouen; Caroline Augusta, from Falkenburg for Philadelphia at all well. Tho royal CABLE Assyria.

from Widecon from Antwerp; Delicadon 1. Ravenna from Liverpool. Edward, from Caen. Balled: J. B.

Sacrbarn, at, for p.m. to-day, landed malls and and proceeded for VROM NEW YORE.) Lady Hir June nod from Fraison for Ham- mall Gallin, from New York, arrived at 210 New York May Antrol: Herman, from Robints Liverpool: State Liverpool. of of Amst-niant (sal, trota from Oporto; Gravellues: Themes Adars Blonde (ad, from frona Francisco: Queenetown, Lincluden, June from Jamaica: from Buence Naxairo: June 1. Sailed: for Stockholm. Andalusian (ns), for Batavia, Liverpool from immeliately.

Liverpool, arrived at eleven a.m. today, 28. cal, for from Shangini: Sparkling Foam, from Grenada: City p*rn 1. -Arrived: Saintel Watts, frun San burg: for Constantincple; The Canard royal mail steamer Ainbems from tho Clyde: and gumis, from Calcutta. Cruz: Abdis Queen (as), from Antwerp: Loch from Agras: Scotia Queen, from Deterare; Lost Syra, Passed cast: Florence of Maryport.

embarked mails and and proceeded for Boston at Aphrodite, Newport; and Errogan, (en), Crom Witch, from from New York, left for Elizabeth Davies, June 1, Passed: Navarino (n), from London for Loott. Noel, frota Land from Hong Gibraltar from Vigo: from Rouen for Cork: Oirde Bank, from Java: Imogene, VESSELS SPOKEN. States Arrived: Vanguant fist. and Indus tel, from Marseilles: Carl XV. from Rica, from Pernembuso; A from June Tartessa les), from Bilbao A vessel showing W.

May 18, bound 35 55 W. (ssl, Gothenburg; (r), and Holinad (ss), from New York: Minister of Marine, from San Lady Regalla, from St. Malo: Lord Nelson, from Gothenburg: Annie Bragin ton, from Wallaroo for Falmouth, May 20, 45.N, SUNDAY, MAY 30. Rotterdam: from City of Lotidot Plover (se), and Crost les), from New Dullerin, from Moulmein; rad Mio Padre, for from Limerick: Jaya. Annette Catherine, froth Lisbon Marie, from Nantes; 20 W.

Wind 3., lets breeze, clear. York: Concordia City of Brussels, from frogs Calcutta; from Fame, for Greenock; Mary fur for Bi. Nazatre: Syduey Rail for Sables; debaran Glasgow, (Swedish Farque), stouting May 25, 47 28 W. Capella from Te Grade, for Herre: Either, from Treport, Sailed: Ins), Adept, of 25 80 W. WREOKS AND CASUALTIES.

Now York: from Barbadoes: Glentrnim for Hayli: Kong liverre, for Barrowdalo, for Havre; Welsh For Santander. Astra, from St. Domingo for Hamburz, May 48 16 W. Tabetin, at Manzitius, has been condemned and sold. For from Cameo is), frown Christiania; Gertrude jas), Scotia, fur Alico Graham, for Dunkirk.

and Shielda, June 2- Arrived: Tinto from Hueira: City Albinus, from New Roos for Quebec, MAy 11, 44 48 W. boll and materials re dised 1000 rupess. (re), Masa les), Rouen, May Hood (set, for Cardin. of Dublin from Rotteniam: Skeene (ra), from A German berque, showing I from Cardid for CapeTesaro (French barque), from for pat from Antwerp; Harlingen; Lapwing from Antwerp: Hermione, Rangoon. Arrived: Eastern from Newestle.

from Concordia, frema Laurvig: Eros, from Rudkjolbing. Bailed town, 14. 23 W. into the Mauritius on the Eth May leaks, The cut Opaco: Childs, from Hong Kong; Anna, Pio Arrived: MAs 31, Suitor Weber, Or sund, for Cornine, A German ship, showing R. Cardiff for Hong hare ordered discharging for surrey, whiph haw not yet taken from Com Jatunioa; from Calcutta: and Renown, Tirerpool: Nasmyth from New York.

Bated: May 20, for Pet, tor Rouen: for dicekholm; Peruvian, for Con- Rous, 23 W. place. tron Maria Alford tan, for Amsterdam; Viola Galiter for New York. ctantinople: Ids Florence, for St. Nazaire; Lady Cocilia English barque.

showing SN QA, from Buenos Agres from New York for Classon Dock, whiel went Penguin Rio Grunde. Arrived: Alida Mergaretha, from Liverpool. HAY, for Jullanne, for Slavanger: Odd, for April 26, 47 22 MY. ashuro on Sunderind Bank, came off on Friday night, and for for Bruges; urs: Cosmek Swift for Ostend; aforelle ise), for Rossu. Arrived: (en), Fox.

for Stockholm (sal, for Cron- A Norwegian barque Mowing for New York, May arrived as Glasson Dock yesterday. No sypazent danuge. for Pal- Boulorne; Ides for (ay, for Gopen- May 51. -Arrirod: Goalke from from London. start: Lon! Raglan for Rotterdam: Viganacs (sal, 12, 41 5, 62 W.

(British barquel, from be Baton for Antwerp; Pilot fed, for Stettin; Balino, June 1. Arrived: Barbary Galate. Bergen; Gothenburg for Aalborg: Aduiral (n), for of Cork, bound May 18, 40 62 W. past ba on the 13th for which order hes of not the and Cambrian Ory I'nneces, tor Spines. Singapore, May 30.

Arrived: Cassie, from Hamburg: for Civita Vocchin. A. Belyca, of this port, MAy 26, 50 16 she is dicchercing yet May 3L Arrined: Carl, from Stettin; Londid. Tricate, May Arrived: Coronilla from Venico. A Norwegian barque showing Hi W.

bound 40 ta can place. forward of from Rotterdam. Sailed: Fortuna, for So gres, June 1. -Pasad: Chimborazo (a), Trieste, June -Anted: from TAverpool. 34 W.

from Australis Therese (German barque) chartered to cargo for London, Valparaiso, May $1. Arrived: Valparaiso from An ship showing 8 TV, steering May 3, 15.N, Harmonie to destination for 2760. May Euphrates from Eom- Arrived: County root of Sntherland (ca), and Hutton Liverpool. 33 W. May The Olishertus Hermanns, from Salgan bay, left fer Liverpool: May Halo (os).

Ballad: Alay Splind: May 21, A les, pal, for fram Marseilles Caron- CABLE VROM NEW YORK.I A German barque bowing from Sumatra for Batsvis, hes been totally lost fo Cariauta Straits. Crew 22. Alary New York June 1. Yang-tou Anna, from Waterford; Naral saved, 'Tallam fur Arrived: Williams from Elibao; delet, from Baltimore. from Livarpool, Aurora (barque), steering May 15, 40 20 W.

Plymouth, March 25, 52 5, 32 May The Oma (Norwegian brig) went sabare Moreno, Greenock, from May Detnerar: Pringo, from Caibarien: Quail, Thebes (no) A dantic, trom Bremerhaven Reserve, Boston. Webster, from Rourabaya; Francis Atlantie, from Peru for this port, MAy 4, 30 44 W. outelle the fur entering Aracaju, and remains. She la re- from Antwerp: Lovino from Montreal: Liberal, from for Baitiniona from Rotter- D. from Iatavia Hope, from London.

Lima, from the Capo of Good Hope for Mexico, the Gulf of ported Elsinore, totatts The from Sternoway, of from New dam: from New Orleane: South Weeter Now Montreal. Fork, Jane Africa from Cerdiff: Annie April El. Smith, from tiff for Hong Kong, May, 21 12W. Lost, but tao devs requires contrating. from fron Southampton, June 1.

Raret Balled: Viking for London. 14, en the line, 31 W. for anters, put in with loss of and rip Nariva, Goergia, frotn Trinidad. Ta Gaite, for from St. Malo: Maris Honfleur: Brittany Furnes Abbey, from Hallo: from Albert Hi.

May 10, 2 8, 31 W. Havana (ty cable). The (British brigi, front demnica for Loch Vernacher, from Harro: and from Douro for Alma Honfeur: from Pontiac from Fannie from Stockton A for this port. May 23, of? Cape Grape, for Lotion, went ashore at Florida, bus oil, lenky, and for Wradchto (r), for Bordeaux; Strathutrly Abo. Sailed: Gritin Guernsey for St.

Malo; Wolf from Liverpool; Wylo, and No Plus Ultra, both from 41 N. 09 W. put Rio in hare. Janeiro, May The from New York for far May Sultan teat, from Hamburg: (cel. tor Havre, from Landon.

Arrived: May 21, Moselle, from Barbedoes: A vessel vertel showing showing A Q1 from Amsterdam for Batavia, 10be for Antwerp: (m), bound May 27, 49 N. 11 W. Portland, has put fu bere losking Sho will discharge Besmuo is, from Now York; from Christiania si. Cocherine's Polet. London for June New 1-Anired York: off: Rotterdun City of Wanderer, tram Bahia; Hording, from London: Martha April 10, 3 23 W.

Canada, for Whaweed (cal, Schwaltre inal, from test, for from Hanover trona Luther, from A May Royalist, from Lake from Amsterdam for Eataria, Rio Grande, May (Italian barque), Incided from Swankstel from R. from Batavia Rottardam: Prinz (ss), from Barrow. Sadled: May 31, April 10, 3 23 W. Honduras Cadiz the Suenos Ayros, eco. Crew here.

from Orlando fros Eilta for Sunderland, Baltimore, from Amsterdams: Erie, for An Enalish barque, chowing OT from Bay of Sun Juan, P.R. cable), The Loch Awe, of is From Rotterdata: Coro from Abster June 1, from Arno Magda, from San -Arrired: City of Takio from Yoko- for Liverpool, May 23, 15 25 W. in a position in entering the barbour. She rum Antwerp; Banns from Hamburg; 3. 3.

Emitmon (asl, Dantele: Fischale (s3), from Havre: A barque showing) N. bound May 25, 47 N. 25 Tanking Lighters aro alongside. Sav may possibly be Tasso frows Stantons Star of Petes, from Hamburg: Vigilant, from Howl ogue; Jane, Bore, from the Ciyde. from Callao for this port, April 5, W.

23 8, 27 W. saved from Colas: John (5a), from Antwerp: Douglas Anne, (ze), Sailed: Kron Prina for Anglo Norman, bound April 23, 6 23 LATEST FROM LLOYD'3J Wells, from Tropi, from Riga; and for Loch Carry for THURSDAY, JUNE 3. Annie Fisher, May 21, 45 11 W. The British barque Paragon, timber and ladea, bas waterlogged. boun towed She Neptene, Jamaica 1 Seagull from Gette; Hambura and Oberon, Lanier for Stockholm.

Wind N.N.W., moderate breeze; at Holyhead Achievement, of this port, May March 27, 12, 49 N. 33 9 8, W. W. the was Into beached Madeira by and became a wreck. Part of cargo way ba Alert for for Hidalgo (r), foR Swansea, June -Arrived: Ville de Dunkirk (e), from moderate breece.

A A vergel National steniner, bound 0, 49 N. native beats, derelict showing 55 26 W. saved, for Kongaberg: fo: Cronstade for Penelope Pomerned: for Dunkirk: Peter, Sophie, for from Druntbein: Cirtie feat, for from London. WRECKS AND CASUALTIES. Montreal, with coola, Antrim, of this port, May 21, 26, 48 5, 52 eass and left for Paral: Ilicro Itoltard.m: for Rica: Zeus Fairy, Antwerp; Cour Zonave, for Modelta Golden for St.

John Aspologon as (barque), Richibucto from Cape, Pictou N.5., for on the, 19th May, and Aron, Annetta, of for Aberdcen, Qnebec, April 1. 31 off Capo Ray. Ship Deccan (rica), frota Southampton at Gibraltar, for asl, for vandria: Pockeur, for St for Valay; for for St. Naraire: Owalis, for Smyrna; Fairway, went remains. Part of canto jettinoned.

British Princess, from Caliso for April 25, Caluutta. to-day, and left for 1 W. for 84, John Ellat, for Cad ta. from Port Pirie, st Falmouth, with Ines of long bast. and at eleven a a.

for from Pigmouth. Capetown at Harre, Airy Lellinits, Arrived: Lisbonenao from Pers, and June -Arrived: J. from P. Rouen and Linhope, Augusta, from Gonini, from Antrory at Singapore, has beeu condemned Buteshire, from Calate for Ballmore, May 25, 17 25 16 Madeira York: for Cecla, today, and proscoded for left for both from Havre: from Abara, and A. 0.

and mid, having from sustained damage for daring the paange. with vina, Brier Holme, from Maryport far Adelaide, Weser at May 13, Bretoctt. Westphalla from New York at Plymouth today. 1 both from Punkira: Glosinin, from Hamburg haa put into Copenhagen leaky and with cargo saifted. Ryado, from New York for New Zealand, May 3, 16 33, Head, Mag Kate Covert, from Gustars Upurto St.

27 W. (a), Labon, Baltire, LIAT Arrival: Brunswick from TAverpool, Asin, and Saroo, both from Friedrich, from lames Gray frem Bentsof for Balttinore. This Blonde of Agall 29, 29 N. 40 W. The telegrams have bean received at the Under Mag from Dani.irk: Star of Hope, Nieu Dieppe; Gustar A about 200 tuna are of email value previous to Bonnie Dundee, from Candid for May 12, 13 27 following Rooms this day from Antwerp: (from from Liberator, from Ora: Ocean King after on False Cape on the 22nd May.

Bay of Bengal, Marea 30, 28 N. 22 W. writers from Am: front front June The Idea, from Hamburg for Middle- Bearer Berari, from Demerara for London, 40 days dre. May Arrived: Lotus (mi, frout Liverpool. Phonir Aquilas: from Starlanne Briggs (ac), from borough with went ashore at Allenbrach, but got of Calata, May Victoria (sal.

from from Swirling vat, for Ann, from Sailed: without scsistance, and proceeded. Bins Campbell, from for Primouth, March 31, 37 41 N. 24 London, Dover. Pansod: freta Nut York for Cropatadt; for Tiber for Hamburg: Lolland feel, for Nakator: June 3- Kinburn in 49 Nbriganthe), 15 82 W. 83 W.

Al Glannihanta for Danis: -The which May Passed: Acentne, from New was fallen in with by the ship 33 Beltsna, from London for Adelaide, My 9, 15 27 W. and Bremen; Nuruber: -Pared (su, Fantude, Agros for Foochow: Indus Fork tor 30. Neiron, from Astoria: Vide, from Para: for Nigu Dieppe: Curfew King (a), Coal for Archangel; all for arrived hare to day. Coiling of Newestle, My 25, 81 light frato Marseilles: (85), Ban from Liverpool Csicutia: for from Glueype Porto Astonio, T. F.

Poster Presto (tel, for Cronstadt: New Poiton for Havre, Cardiff, with June coni. 2. and The the Taura Roebefort Gillies for St. Nazatre, with Cum well. ria, hubca for San Francisco, 27 38 50.

Haswell from Cardin for March 24, Loch It dive, Sydney; Witch, from (st, from Balalrore for Nia Dleppe: Convoy for April coal, ware in collision here this afternoon. The former was Cape Wrath (ship), May 24, 41. 43 W. Leirait: from las), And from from Liverpool. April 17, 19, Sarah vat of the at apparently uninfured, The Columbus, from for April 8, 1 25 W.

calms from Otaco, N.2.; Bhan, froth Colcutta, all for Mowinn, Melbourne, Alay May 29- Sailed: Northumberland (da), for Anderson: April 22, Keneralda-all taroo from Liverpool, Inster has several plates broken, and hue docked for repaira. Copsefeld, bound May 25, 50 11 Chits, tram Hong Kora; Mari Huelva for frum north; Natal, tram London. April 23, from Shields. Viola from New York, June 3: The (st), of from New York, ran Crimea, from Cardin, April 15, 8 8, 32 F. tan London: for (asl, from for Natal; Copernic (as) Madeira, May.

30. Arrived: Nalisu Val, from Capetown, Venice, 31. Arrived: (s), from Han- down the ketch Miuer, cf Brkigewater, with coal for Cordelia, for Winbach C. May 6, 15 27 W. Gallipoli Reval: Pongola ew York: Mari of Zelland, and left for Southampton.

Woont, Mag of Low Water The ketch sack two minutes Casablanca, of Liverpool, from Coplapo for Cork, May for for for Video May 20. Eugene kow, and left for London. afterwands. Crew saved. 42 N.

31 W. put for all from Penny, for from Malta, Flensburg. March 30. Prasod: Fart trots from Bolterdam Rangoon for for Baltimore. Village Belle, from Londonderry.

pool, Cadiz, hAs June been towed be two Spanish steamers, Cape Charles Bal, Finisterre, Mar 15, from 357 Cardiff, miles F. April of 29, Sandy 1. N. 24 W. CABLE FROM NEW YORK.I 2.

The Hartlepoul (ca), from Seville for Liver- Hook, Lock Garry, fur Garden from New York, in tovia. Delaware Breakwater. -Arrived: Lord Gough pol, from: belle rod with of propeller Agreement 250. of this port. MAy W.

from New for Natal dated Durban, May Liverpool. Part of cargo will have to be discharged. County from Calcutta for Dundee, March 14, bal- of Cruiser, Meridian. Portin, Mary Lester, Amelia. Georgetown, Amazonsoso Devoupart.

Gibraltar, June 3. -The from Liverpool 8, 71 3. and for (by telegram for East London, Bay 29. from Dantos. -Arrived: Oporto is), from Lisbon, Mag -Arrived: Guillermo Kurracice with railway frost, his put in here with machinery Cabala, bound 8., April 20, 8 28 W.

abs May Sailed: Maria, Miranda Pray far Oporto, May Point, May cut: Gravenhace from (sal. Yourse Sat Donto tel, Ada, all from Lirarpool. slightly damaged. She will proceed today. bound May 22, 43 42 W.

hare from Halifax, for Rio for Rotterdara: and Usople of Murray Arrived: Livonia, Liverpool, Newport, Juno 3. The Blanche Marie, of Auras, from Davina, May 12, 12 27 W. for Star, Janeiro Prude from Maita: Prince New York, May 31. City of Bouton, from Hone L'Orient for Newport, was in collision yesterday in Uik with Dees from Loudou for Brisbane, April 11, 1 24 Guns, for Dunkirk: Comet, for and Leading from May 31. Indiana, frun Ban Great Ned Waite, from Manila; frons schooner Problem, of Southampton, lost headgear.

Deodaras, from Tarragons for May 3, 44 49 for Login, from Rio Janeiro; Kens: (an), from Malia; Rosal Bothal pod, from Fendi Port rub June The Johannes, from for from Sunderland for Mont May 9, 45 54 from Gibraltar, May tact, Apollo fest, Monte Hong Video Chisra, Agnis. Whinicham frote Catania, Rotterdain, which put in here leaky, cannot be repaired at Deodata (bris), boand weit, MAy 5, 58 30 Bank, Branksome Bell (r). Oak. Balled: from Helena, Albert for Rotterdata; Irene New York, May Sailed: California (st, for London; this port. report condemnation of vessel tin- of Viema, for Calcutta, May 20, w.

will Graresend, Aisy Opawa, from Wellington; London. for Caon; (so), Devonia for City Conception, Auti 2), 5 27 Alice, from from Elinburgh, Moria, for May Elcano Britannis tad), -Arrived: Dom, from Litergnol: Matthew June -The Rossland (barque), from River Champion, from New for Dunkirk, May 12, 43 29 is Imma Sramtyr, (14, from Barnes City Agtus; Battara (os), Ton Port Finleterro (as), Isl, A (sol). Curtis from Middlesborough; Cynthis, from Candid; Plata for Liverpool, with tallow, grounded at Canaran's Camp, of 8t. John, N.B., May 26, 49 All fraca Athenian (se), truma Liverpool, Barrack, from Troon. Paul, entrance to tale harbour, bus is off next tide.

Coldinghume, of Londos, bound May 49 N. 7 W. from Tada, from Balace; Wangunut, from Otago, Palermo, May May Copernicus Drosn Brazil Pore N.8. --Arrived: Journal and Garin, both The watar quite smooth. from Falmouth for Quebec, Iday 12, 13 43 Cello of cu, trom Ranger, from Porto for Rico.

80. Paullioc. from Chill, Arrived: and left at noon tor Liverpool. Liverpool. rhithe, la Jund The Lo Wood (barque), of St.

outride John, Lannikier, hence for Peru, April 20, 21 9. 41 W. voter, Pascal for Birth for May 3L- Blurona and Quebec, MAy Arrived: Bompborus, from the Tyne: icaded, in reported to have cuught the ground Pleacer Wood, bound May 26, 47 82 W. Nature; Viola fer lat), from New Nanny, (run John's: Ply- Florence Chipman, Chryselite, Advice. and Merry, from Commerci.

Doctra, and lay there about 30 minutes. Sho Karl cf Derby, from Barrow for Adelalde, 30, of this Hong Kong, Mtg (re), from Bombay. both from Prince Roland, from Sara. Laverpool; Marvell acd Arduillan, from the Clyde: was in tow for Gravesend. Elltao.

London and or from New mouth, Bailed: Ellen Stewart, for Bristol: from Dundee: Rosalie, from Barrow: Rock City, Saigon, May The Angelique (French), houce for St. Elidenhope, Skerries, from San Francisco for this port, May 21, 39 Hunts -Passed: Weser in, supposed, from Valparaiso, for Hare: for Limerick: Glera, for Bristol: and Fret, London. Toronto Helena for orders, grounded In the river, but was got of at Fork for Arrived: Hilda, for Sailed: Wal- Gremnock: Smith, fur Egbert, fur Liverpool: for Antwery; for Liverpool. from undamaged, and pimoseded. Eden Austin, for London, May 20, 44 N.

36 W. Ola Absieen; 42 W. Bull- Dullino, atorioni: Carolina, fie States Purt. Arrived: (ss), LATEST FROM LLOYD'S. Earnock, from Troon for MAy 8, 48 29 demar, for Stettin.

for May Arrived: Warlock, from Rangoon. Liverpool. A telegram frota Queenstown states that the attempt Emily Lowther (barque). May 26, 45 N. 38 W.

enst- May Arrired: Bulled: Minho for Oporto, Arrived: Graf Otto zu front Liverpool. May 31, Tautonia (st), from made Last night to tow the Rosalind off the rooks failed, not Ella, bound March 25, 25 8, 28 W. (net, from Southampton, No and Brazils. -Passed: Trinaerta Oporto to), (sal, from New York Rio Merina, May Sailed: Plata Kor (a), for Baltimore, Sailed: May 30, Indus I. for being able to get sofScient cargo out.

Sho will probably Digar, from Swansea for Ooquimbo, May 25, 48 9 W. 00. Harre. Banderiand, Kron Prins frotu comae of next tide. Sue makes much water.

Fred Thomson, from Cadis Montreal, May 7, 57 left from Now Yore for from for Consoli, from Bilbao; Clare Richmond, Crom Cacu; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2. Ayrshire (Reitish from Newport for Genoa, and Fentabelle, from Jamaion for Louden, May 28. Malta, Shelburn (sal, from Gurtara, fritn the Trent ins, from Alexandria for Louden, Lave both pat Florence Tread My 25, off the Bombay Dotterel from Cardid Aden for 20. Ocean Monarch, Wind N.F, light breeco; at strong broeze. Lubon with inachinery out of order.

Falstaff, hence for Chittagons, May 28, off Tuatar. Madeira Mauritius 10g dated Mag Swanks, Greenwich, May Boxer. Naomi, and Priorem, from Bilino; WRECKS AND CASUALTIES. into Fruit Girl, of St. John's, May 13, 4 28 W.

from Roil: Turgo, Me and which grounded entering Cower, Alexandria (na), from Bumbay for Genon and Marseilles at Forest King, hence for Coloutta, April 27, 3 26 W. from Marseille Bailed: Boy from New York Enchantress, from 8t. Maio. Pitewilliam put. for wins Lowed off Inst Sues to day.

Glenaron, May 25, 45 N. 18 W. 14. Mary Jean, Tocopilla; Banshee, from Hartlepool, Casherine's Cleat? Reveil, fur Cuea: lad, for Sables: Mary Galatea (asl, Bristol at Quebec on the 15th May, had thnia (ea) mailed from New York for this port at one p.m. Galatea, for Cape of Good Hope, May 20, 26 21 for Leill from for La Rochelle: Norman for Er ost stove, propeller hrokati, and fora compartment to-day.

Glasgow, of Greenock, May 27, 40 miles 8.S. W. of Longships. 29. May Arrived: Cyreniso and for St.

Malo: Loyal, for Granville; starboard water, Laving been in contact with ice. Cargo City of Brussels (rina) sulled from New York for this port Glenariff, of this port, May 9, 15 N. 27 W. CARLO FROM SEW YORK.I Od: Actire of Nowesstle; Ailed with from Cardin for the Manritius, April 15, 5 8, 31 Quebec. Aired: Barociona paul, fruta Sunderland; (m), of fur London: Bessie Jose, of Swansea.

undimaged. In), of Liverpool, Lloyd's agent at Nanies writes, Dominion p.m. (sa), hence at Quebec June 2. Fleece, bound 8., May and Napoleon, at five today. Glasign, 26, 10 miles south of Under- on), Baltimore.

Arrived: Calcutta. Sailed: Stanley, E.G.-Arrived: Ramses (a). from Monte Video, under date of May 29, that crank alisit of the Marina Dunrobia Castle (raus) sailed from Capetown for Plymouth Tower. New Yeet, May 28. Bimis, from and proceeded, April 21, for Punta lying has hoea found defective.

June Gateshead, from Buenos Ayres for Antwerp, Aprll 30, Ricola last, for Cardin. Beilly. -Passed: Erl King (ed, of Glasgow; Glamorgan (as), A at large retal was seen ashore on Europa Telard, Mozam- Glenfalloch (ne) sadlad from Yokohama for China June 2. master died April 7. of Literpool, Channel, on the 25th March, by the Antelope, hence st Herder ins), from Havre and Hamburg at New York June 2.

Glenalson. of Aberystwith, steering April 25, 21 MONDAY, MAY 31. Annington and Penella in). Bombay, May. She was apparently an Iron ship or Hecla ralled from Boston for this port at two

today. bence, May 29 pure; moderate breeze; at Felyheal 8., light breeze. Moz Arrived: (us), frum Liverpool: Her 1 was gone, and the was apparently Manitoban at Quebec June 1. from Cardin tre Jars. April 28, 4 23 W.

Wind B.E, and City of Cariola, both from Autwurp; Celtic complete wreck, and lying urea bide on the rest No sign Nevada (re) hence at New York at eleven a.m. to-day. Garland, of Liverpool, for Santa Crus, April 30, 4 N. 25 WRECKS AND CASUALTIES. London.

could be sect, and the Autolope drifted past in hence at St. John's June 2. from the Tyne for Bombay, April 25, 2 22 Mart, from Eldindeigila, weich grounded at Newry, got off Sues City of Agra (se), Vega (os), Red Star a colin. (as) estled trim Now York June 2 at one all well. Monarch (al, from of Glenburn, Liverpool.

the tide without damare to rosal or cargo. and Zulus Bushire, April Agra when on her to Teuton (rms), at Capetown Juno 2. Bospodar, of Liverpool, April 28, 7 25 Cardiff W. Viatic took fru on Saturday night Homelydom. nod Si.

Catherine's Point, May 31. Intrepid les), from Busteh, cu aft mud at the entrance to Burch Harmonia, of from at for Moul- ITer engine stokebols and cottontt, with skylight Sunderland for frots Antwerp direr, and remained from the 18th to the 21st April. Very The following telegrams have been recetred at the Under- April 14, 46 N. 25 all well. over, ware Graut, erely frota by at Falmouth, water.

reports for Liverpool: London for Newcartle Liverpool: for Vildorala (as), low water had boca owing to recut northerly writers' Roots this Hollander, from Greenock for Anier, A pril 11, 2 25 W. set and from Macis for Rotterdam, April 27,4 The quantity Faithful from gales. -Salled: Mispoh, for New York. on the 2204 in 42 30 40 a large also Clytlo teal, and Kirling (st), of London Loch Tar, froto Delfast, June 2. -The Mary Stewart, for Liverpool, has put Alexandria, June Salled: Nepthis (sal, from Liverpool.

Heien, of London, bound 57 21 W. W. frota wreckage, pieces of deck plank, broken spur, Lonion for Melbourne, this moming she June Arrived: Belle of the Clyde, from Haworth, from Newport for Callan, May 19. 17 N. 25 passing boating deep, Bout May 31.

Douro (al. from Santos; in grounded here on Magee, but is beating expected out off next tide. Algon Bay, and June Harvey, from Middlesborotugh. Harry Buschrenn, May 30. 15 miles N.IC.

of Tuskar. While several the fros New Ocleans at this port; Now fash, the Hradis: London of of Weser from York: 21 12. Tho Pride of Enland, from Britioh Algon Bry, June 1. -Arrived: San Pietro, from Cardin. Invererk, of this port, MAy 20, 42 N.

45 W. sited May 4. On the a large quantity water Hosfeur (st), from St. Malo; Elbe from the Brazils, Columbia, arcived at this port on the 7th May, leaky, strained, Benchy June 3. Aucron Lass, for Abergotwith.

Impero, bound May 20, Linde titaber suit ether wrockage, apparently net long in the Salted: Wear for Bremen: St. Malo for Havre; deckload having experienced June -Arrived: Dunedio, From Port Ingo, May 36 W. May a ahip steering Horror (o), for Antwerp; Honinor for and with wisther part of three daya after jettisoned, leaving port. She also Belfast, Bristol, June Arrived: Conseut ins), from the Black Sca. Ina, frem Hamburg for Quebec, Mar W.

11, off Capo Ray. On the 1.3. and gone. St. tel grain dated.

Min May 301. the of Bengal. Bartoanes, June 3. Balled: Pedalma, and Stag. Intos of the South, Stay 20, 13 N.

27 of the Pantauro, York at this port; salled Charlotte Helena thy Indiana, Ilions, Kattir Chief, beavy 2- weathur The in Ranger, Bay from has Barbados, June Sailed: Potaro for Loudon. Ivanhoe, bound 50 N. 27 W. Tirer- 1001 at elevan Sandy Hook Light and Forest, Danine, Trinidad, -famos 17 with two from 0.20 Town, 1. Arrived: Dunrobin Castle (as), and Tranhoe.

from Adelaide for Cork. April 10, 25 8, 8 from dull stud to zen the 16th instant, when wo Cardigan Howden, Adamantine, Balatico, John died on the passage, Monte Video Edinburgh Castle June (ss), 3. from -Arrived: Plymouth. Boston (ss), from the Tyne; from Cape St. Roman for this port, May 25, unt with from tab S.

nod B.W., with Rome, Ernest, Anna arrived hire men suffering Capo Junes E. Boyd, bound 8., May 21, 48 which lasted twelve pour, Allan, Pretoria (no), warth Luctur es Empergo, Have, Pertaininco, which May put 28. in hure The with on from fire, has boon con- Cranstadt, Linnemann, from Elverpool. 19 W. falling the whole time, and the ship runnin; Golconda, President Lucy W.

Snow land not demnad and sold. He cargo will be carzo sold try auotion. Andreas Calcutta, June Arrived: Poma from Ganoa; Joshua Loring (American barque), stearing S.E, May heavy under fore rains and shin und rected foresail until Port when the beavy seas filed the decks. Hora to under Joan Luey W. Nicholson, Elelen Scott, Abbes, Cape Comorin, Michaels (by telegraph, dated Madeira, June The Nepaul teal, from Canning, J.

A. Harvie, bonnd Mny 8, 40 62 W. Scott as before reported), Lucy W. Scott, London: Lord for Liverpool, N. 32 W.

from fare noon, and main until the morning of the 17th Truth, Annotte, Aneroid, Humber, Benedetto (Italian barque), from Bueno has Agres discharged for Cadia, part put of Dundee, June -Arrived: 1 vo, Arrived: from Glenisia Penaacola. (as), from Croustade; Jane Fairlic, from Callao for this port, March 13, 56 8, Cincora when we experiencud light winds and encountered due weather Castle, Ottolina, Cundabar, Wuly Rickiners, bor, here on the 21st heated May and leaky. She considerably -The C. Care Franz, from Stettin Joan de Costa, bond Mig 19, for 42 N. 18 W.

April 15, York: watil the Instant. On tho 2ith Ang a freah William E. Bene, Alice Real, Queen of Cumbria, L. rarco (German barque), CLarlestou for Dungenoss. Passed John Erng (m), of London.

Jeeje Reuwick, from Genoa bruce, with tine weather, from N. W. At ten the sumne Syringa, Argonaut. and Frat Weser ou the May leaking badly and with part of cargo Paced John Swerzell, of Elleser, of 21 W.

day, the me toan Anchor brigantine line in bouad Singapore, 30. Arrived: Glencoe da), from Shanghal, put in Jettisoned. The (Portuguese barque), from Amelia, of Hamburg TEarneida, of Paaborg: Rescue, of ph Thompson, from Bull River for Newcastle, Havre; On the 27th a la barque com- and proosiled for London. Loanda for Lisbon, 10 on the 23rd Mug leaky and with London: Trinitad, of Dragor; Pasil, of Elisa, of 33 N. 77 W.

Brest: puny passed astern would most irely see the derelieti. On Yokohama, May -Arrirad: City of Peking (os), from put froth Riss for Rochefort. Karnal, bound May 24, 46 N. 31. 1 W.

the instant righted Caper Clear at six distant, 15 and miles. noon On San Francisco; Marionetnubire (an), from London. pumps Vianna, choked. June 1-The Octave Marie, from Livorno for and Arrived: Spheroid, from London. Kate Covert, bound south, A uril 29, 7 36 25 W.

Virginia, sighted the Pastoct, bearing 41 NEW TORR.I with marble and has been totally wrecked. June Passed: Bilbao (as), from London for San Laura Emily, bond May 25. W. the 20th ioniant posted Tuskar, Reston. Loudon.

Crow saved. Part of cargo saved. Sebastian; Beu Nevis (95), from Palermo for Levi C. ILY CABLE FROM Bristol, rags, Deal, Wade, from Cardin for Rotaria, April 7, 2N, Adan, May fur put into the (Britieh Mauritias oti barque), tha from 1362, Baltimore. Arrived: Albuera, from Aberdeen.

FROM Italia (8 Sherburn from Landon from for Sunderland Genoa; for Ada, St. from Nazaire. Lowther, Dufferin, May of St. John, N.B., steering May 12, north for 26, 45 28 W. She has been surveyed and ordered to discharge.

The (asl, from Liverpool. Mercator (sal, Captain Minnie, which left Antwerp for Now Dover, June 3. Arrived: Carolina, from Ann 27 W. Galveston. Arrived: from Liverpool.

west: (sal, Loch from Cocotada for has put into the Man- Havana, Arrived: Liverpool. York on the 4th starch last, not having arrived at her desti- Jatie, of Passed: of Hamburg: Laura and Gertrude, bound Montreal- Ardinore, Croni de Janeira, from is considered overdue, Nautilus of Landon; Ada, of Lochness, bound south, May 17, W. Doboy. ritiua and 31. rust -The discharge.

Bata City (as), arrived here to-day Sew May from 29, City Bremen; of Ito Aberdeen Ins), from nation, County of Denhich, Captain Jones, which left Astorin for London; Waltwrood Havelaw, of of Goole: Newisalle; Coantcas of Dublin (83), Lillie Soullard, bound May 18, 41 60 W. Bristol, New York, tonk the ground in coming up the river, to Eradils: Ne (am), from Newport: and Uthos (ra), Queenstown or Falmouth About the Let Normhet Inct, and Dublin: from Louion for Palermo; Dinnington Loch Lomond, for Melbourne, April 6. 6 8, 29 W. fro in and remained. After coming Auckland; Thaneivore Holland from was spoken on the Zand January in 5 29 of of Goole; Ben Nevis frotn Palermo for Copenhagen.

Lactura, of Glasgow, steering April 28, 2 24 W. close by the suspension Cumberland Basin, the came into colli- from the West Sailed: Endles. May 80, Porto Rico: and considered afterganis overdue. Salia 120), from Tarragona Urancs, from Lina, bound May 28, 49 14 W. to), London, York; and off, son an with entering the too and fe reported to hare stove soma of at ton Gloucester a.m.

(asl. for A May 24, May for 30, Hipparchus (on), Albert Victor, wow Contain which left Samarng on Canisnas; Bard, from Calcutta--all for London. Loch Rannoch, from Melbourne fur Loudon, off Soilly. William ber Absonn, from Montreal, reporta for Liverpool. -Arrived Oakrbury, from Greenock.

the the 2nd in 20 8, 69 not having been heard of mince, on Passed Piymouth: Elibso Peterborough, (art, from London for San Sebastian. Melmerby, hence for Quebes, May 11, off Ca Ray. for the Gutted Kingdom, and wee spoken from Loudon for Sydney, Lady Lisgar, of this port, May 9, 13 8, 31 W. Earrs a May large of stipe in the Gulf icebound, and Quebes. Algiers, from May Fleetwood.

24, May 26, Annie Laurie. la cosidered snuch orendue. Falmouth, June 3. Arrived: logo, from Samarang: Mary Lawton (barque), of Yarmouth, N.8., bound west, from 150 miles of Cape Baca passed mumber of icebergs. May from 25, Alexandra, Princess Royal, Peal of Rosanco, witish left for Malts on the 19th and Thuriand Castle, from San Francisco; Holesa, from Buenos 14, 42 62 W.

donte -The Padsvano Antonio (Italian barque) India, 8t. Patrick, all from the Clyde: Marlin Luther, from cioured Malta on the 20th not having arrived, is also Marlborough, 37 from all New well. York, for Cape of Good Hope, Nazaire, here with lees of bonte Peragon and bulwarks (British barque), with Yodden: Edward Cardwell, from Quebec: Garibaidi. Hovding, Jane connidered Goodyear, hopsicady Captain Honkina, which left Queeneton June Jung 2. 3.

-Arrived: -Arrived: Circassia Circassia Now New York. Magus, from New York, for Hamburg, May 15, 44 stove. from (a), for York. 9,29 ail timber, Madeira, bras both May towed Tho derelict and by native London United Stases train -Amired: Chillan (as), from Liverpool. for St.

John's, on the 13th Juntary last, was afterwards Sailed: City for Equator, and Vidar, all woll. Fact, Grangemouth; Nadine, north-must leland. Lloyd's agout spoken on the Jannsey in 47 9 previonaly roferrod Mikado (ship), May 27, 48 29 W. from and besched on the ou the ground. Sho has JUNE 1.

to was to posted at Lloyd's an missing. for Grangemouth, June Maskaline, and Hoffnung, Munraret Powrie, from Jamaica for London, May 21, tram protested her of being par may be saved. TUESDAY, A as telegram from Cediz states that the British steamer from Cupido, 20 W. all well Glanmore a -The (schooner), of Chester, Wind N.E., light breeco; at Holyhead N.E., modorate breezo. trot Seville for Liverpool, hiss been towed into Arrived: June 3, Dido (sal.

Salled: June 2. Minnie (Austrian barque), steering wost, May 19, 40 SoutheDa Ballyuesa for London, has put in here, having lost main- WRECKS AND CASUALTIES. Cadiz. Particulars of damage not yet to hand. Morocco (as), for Lisbon.

Passed: June 3, City of Oxford all wall from W.8.W. gain. fruin Cardiff states that the Laura Gilifes (sal, Mary, from Valparaiso for this port, May 9, 27 35 Maryport booms and Rico for during a Loch Ave, frun Shields, which Alida (Dutch ship), passed ahundoned near as Amsterdam, on the from A Cardiff telegraza for Havre, when oil Low Water Pier after- (as), Edwin Gravesend, (en). June 3. -Arrived: Eider (as), from Harlingen: Malta, bound May 17, 39 Porto has bean axisted off badiy 25th May by the Dostor, from Charlestown ran tato the Roc bound for St.

Nazaire. The from Stettin; Baron Ogy inst, trout Antwerp Zur Mary Low, from Britonferry for Madras, April 23, 5 grounded Sua purt. She has not bean surveyed. Arain, from Cardin at Diopp had been ashore. with Rochefort has docked for repairs, having roveral Nates From Lisbon; St.

Lucas, from Gello; from Nellie Brett (Americen April 18, 10 W. and put into frit New York Radonon (urigantine), from Burrow for York, The Laura Gilles is now ou Penarth mud appo- baron Dantale: (es), Queun, from Doboy; Anna Cecilia, from Nicocia, of St. John, N.B., May D6, 48 20 W. for Pizmouth, ting and Tao procooded, Weetphalfs tyports (ca), having passed pig iron. A telegrato from Croatharen states in Ponnd by broket, British Maytield frown Cronetadt: Sybil Wyan, New Olty, bound May 20, 42 46 W.

Coralca for Hamburs, 5, also a largo Britten ship Klaburn, belaantino all rently Coralline Neigentinel, of Whithy, from Shields for Rouen, Kitts; Rainbow (sal, Vesta (sal, and Benbow fo), all Natal, May 21, 29 19 1 the 49'33 uninjured. Li set buoy grounded at 1732 W. with foremast gone and atlachet, nuintopmnst been arsisted Granaby with bosh topmacta carried from Thunder (e), from New York, of this port, bound 5., May 6, 23 8, 39 W. froth val, A and and all attached, and all attached to fibboom fond No. SE2.

from from Rica; from Revel: Sodar- Pase-by, March 23, 44 18 W. Gorgona, hen tuto Hamburg; Obrintiania: en down the direr, remains. Thera is feet Cargo pig iron. Vessel quite tight, and has been no." AWAS. les), City, from Uma: Jolenan, from Christienia: Princo Oskar, of this port, May 8, 13 22 W.

have been Rent to her praistence. 16) Milan, from Senegal at Bordeaux, strained a good deal on Rock from. Calais: John Lynz from Pioneer (brig), cf Shields, stearing cart, May 20, 46 for at water in May river. The Dragon (an), benson for London, sni the and made water. Belie for London, which put Into Andesna fan) soiled Kingeton, Lisbon: Toronto, from Nor York: Australin (5), all well.

from Jamaica, for Mexico (est, porch, tmi, froca Black helm for Stettin, bare been lu Woollcomontoo, from was sold in June 1. all from Calcutta: Cron Pring, and Frederick Wilhelm Pumpero (hargne), steering April 25, 3 22 W. London the collision. Tilsit The former is badly nad the letter damaged. March Havana on $1250.

the 4th December Inst in distress, Algeria (rms), hence at New York at eight a.m. today; Ira), from New York: Lady Aline from Lisbon. Parsec, of Greanock, steering bound April 22, 2 MAr 24 14, W. 38, Con- The repairs will 31. require the about Hayla six days.

(belmotine), from Cowes, June 1. -The Banshee (brigantine), from Alistralia (rms', at Southampton at to day. and left June 1 for kirk; Sailed City Cologne of Ghent las), for for Botore; Brussels: Rhine Elauch (a), (ca), for Ostand: Queen of the Fast, hence for Quebec, May 31, off the for for Dun- (barque), of Carl, Bout for port, grounded on Shingle Bank, but Las with coal, grounded in entering port, and (ral, from Doranda for Harlingen; Itusolute isl, for Ghent: Rether Bishops. May (a), treta Calcatta Malta, June 1. City of Hotterisin Lonion.

England at Now York lsat midnight. far Braven; Hambure: Gertrude Queen Victoria, from Bremen for the United States, sinon got off und frota for Hull, bas for Rotterdam, grounded. but wan got off without al New hence sir a.m. for Autwerp; and Holland (a), and Plover for 43 51 W. May and Montrove Jane The boas Jacob Ortwelde, of Lysis called York from at today.

New York Rotterdam. Ruby, for Quebec, May 11, off Cape Ray. Francisco; orived Ostend, sprang a leak in the North foundered Sea on yesterday Fridn7 last. tareive After miles June 1. Southampton Hang Kong, Jane Lord of tho Islos (as), for Rot Cloud, bound Boston, May 5.

from 15 N. 53 Melbourne for Havre, hate with iss of fore for Lording henca Boston at six a.m. today. pumping fur three days, sho from Boston for this port. Yokohaina.

R. B. Fuller, of San Atlas left Boston fur this port May 27 at four p.m. E. of Montrose.

Crew Eavod. Tiresian tan) ad to-ing June 1. Barre, June Manling (es), from Card ft. out, May 31 W. Grande: Aleppo Ancona pa) trim), at Bombay today.

Net York, June A. Holmes, from Java for Navarre Navarino fast, lat), for from Loudon Kumichce, and Sacres left for Colombo Hull, June 3. -Arrived: Seahorse from Rotterdam: Reignte, of Louden. May 9, 48 15 N. 19 27 W.

W. Calais; Orms), as Capetown May 9. Rouen, June 1. the Cramlington fan). from Newestle, and Calcutta.

(a), from Katherine Mario, from Nykjobing: Rose of Sharon, of Shields, May 21. Falmouth, his put into Bermuda Imky. Amsterdara; Alert from Harlingon; Royal Sororeigo, May 26, Elbe at South today. New York for A ronmonth. grounded in entering Rouen, ad lighten to get oil.

Otranto Gel at New York at six a.m. to-iny. Colman from Rotterdam: Berths, from ReaL, May 22, 44 35 W. Gloucenter sailed to York lay from 30. The attempts minde by the Dinnington to tow her off Report of the Thebes (sal, from Gibraltar at this port: William Salo, from Jenkin, from Scottish Bard, from Calentta for London, May 19, 40 Hollatat (ms), at at May 29.

unsuccessful. sailed May -Hal strong northerly winds and squally Stettin; from Braviz. Sailed: Swanisod for Har- 5.. Lacie, from Havre for New York, 43 56 W. Peters Dronthelm; India Glasgow Hombay May were June -The smack Robert and Susannah, of wether during the whole of the Verte Bay, Seagull (n), for Roster- Seria, from Calcutta for Demerara, April 9, 28 8, 9 and Milantee (st), froin London at Boston May Madeira 20.

at 8 15 Yarmouth, Yarmonth, hiss towed in bere with loss of bowsprit, Report of the Lisboncuse (m), fret the Amazon at Hisar, for fur N.8.: Alster for Antwerp; St. Patrick, of St. John, N.3., from New Oricans for Nut ton and (r), left for from Plymouth at eleven a.m. having been in collision with the stack: Sirery Apray, of called moderate Had winds strong to Lisbon, 16 afterwards light (as), for Schwalbe for My 24, 45 N. 41 W.

Capetown at a.m. been to dam: Pacha May to Onus lay, from Japan at Marseilles May 30. The latter sustained dainags. The and N.E. Lisbon.

-Arrived: June Listen from Steart, from for Callao, trom April 11, 2 Bagapore 25 for W. Brank- sailed from Boston for this port May 20 al mack Pathfinder, af Yarmouth, has been towed in here, have been received at the Under- June 3, Marcotis (ed), from Equatour Sir of the of Plymouth, Parthia having been in collision with another suno, of Boricuat. The following telegrains Plate. March 8, 29 8, 42 K. p.m.

She lost wains and was cut down to the water's edge. writers' this day River -Passed: Mark Lana (es), from New York for Senator Weber, heuce for Rio Janeiro, April 12, 1 York. Parton (as), at Bonton to-lay. Glaisow at five to-day. FROM Meti, May Penledi (os), from Mangalore for London; Martha, of Liverpool; and Myra, of Sunderland.

St. Mark, for New York, May 31, if the Belters. Boston; Venetia at st May 30. Triton, previously reported ashore at Amager, has been Akyab, Mny Balled: Bangloe (sa), for for United Kingdom. June 3.

Satied: Aquica, for Now York Mary Socieo, from Sunderland for Aroboina, 46 May 19 W. 9 8, 51 of 8, Pride West Indian (rms) sniled Colon May 28. scalsted off, and proceeded, baring sustained no apparent London. Belize, April Sailed, June Arrived: 1: Mentory, from Liverpool. Belen, for Arrived: Archangel.

Asta, Lear, and Khoist-all from St. Strathbiane, Domingo, from Glasgow, Hamburg, May May 25, 48 N. 16 W. Sidonian 18, Trinidad: (LATEST FROM danangu, Contract made with Svitzer for 2200 kroner. Belfast, June 2.

-Sailed: Backly (a), for Riga, George San Luis, My 17, 40 17 W. A telegram from Visuna that the Octave Marie, for Beechy Head, Juno -Cambria, of 'Scarborough Penta, Liverpool. Inne 3. North Star (re), from Hero, of London, April 10, on the line, 27 W. Boston and City for), arrived at Brintol from Now York, grounded and Bristol with marble and rags, is ashore and totally wrecked.

of Liverpool. Lelta, from -Arrived: Gorm, Kotka: Hebe, Sir Lawrence, benos for Calcutta, MAy 30, off in combug up the river close by tha on suspension entering Crow and part of cargo saved. Barrow, May 31. -Arrived: Aesyria (as), from New York, Amulet (sal, Rotterdam Ny Ruth, from frow Arundel: Henry aru, from Farrow, June 2, off the Morecatabo remained. After with getting the off piezehead, and and is reported to Cumberiand have Elen (barque), of Abo, with timber, is ashore at Holmetunge, Bristol, June 2.

Arrived: from New York. from Bravig: from Tairo, Wyborg. from Sailed: Mallard (ss). for Riga: Shaker lightship. Indiana some near Copenhagen.

May Sated: Solway (an), for Dresden Gal, for Hamburg; Heidrum, for Copenhagen. Times, from Newport for Marie Galanto, May 13 7, 17. 2 collided Emma, 0); and Sappitre, from Autwerp, took fire in with port at slight Philadelphia. damage to Barbary (as), hence al Sulina to-day. Bilbao.

Cronstadt. Arrived: Arrived: Jens (sal, Hintze. Mitford, June for coal; Florence, Wert from England, Valencia from for Liver- Thurland Trafalgar, from Castle, from San Franciaco for this port, stove of her plata. Reunlia and bakholme (R). of Bilbao Cardin for Bonilay, May 8, Adelaide rossel.

Cargo uninjured. An explosion occurred on board, City Paris (rms), at New York May 31 at three p.m. Odessa, and left for London. pool, and proceedod June after coaling. Annie Veron (as).

6 Talco, from New York for Stettin, May 23, 47 20 The won afterwards extinguished Bolivia at New York at one a.m. to-day. June Arrived: Suppicich (as), from for Liverpool, 29 W. by which several were killed up the and river wounded. Clyde on Saturday night, Oity of Agra (as) called from Port for London May 31 Carditi, Juna Arrived: Charles Goddard from (as), Melbourne.

Tune Arrived: Hampabire, from Load well. Mumbles Road, Blanche Quail (ad, while going hold. bet of Lancaster (sa), st Matres May 21. Nazaire: William Banks (As), from Havre; Activity the Clyde; Bangalore (Es), from Tenby Cackle, from Rangoon for Bremen, April 18, 11 fire was discovered to have broken out in the among some bales of Grantully Castle (rms), from Partwouth at Madeira to from Len, from Havro; Maran (am), from Bilbao Loch Lomoni, from Terso, bound May 11, 45 41 W. (as), fain- and batches were removed, it was seen to be without much and proceeded at a for Capetowa, Peter Jeben.

from Bergen: William Dawson for), from Bombay, yarn. The fire was not gob under doing Humber trial; at Plymouth Caen: Ringleader, from Diego; Brants, from Lorient: Malta, from Jane Alexandria, and left Yorkshire for Hall; and Camelet (sa), Flirtmare, of thin port, from London for Bydary, (sal, from Cardiff: Toronto, from New York for Louden. Snow- damage. Hoyle of and from Tenelly for Southampton, Hecia (rra), sailed hence fram at Boston Gibraltar May for 31. Alexandria June 1.

Adrianne, from Redon; Mannel Hood Antonito, from from Kouen; Fica from Bombay, and left fur London. 45 N. 15 all Natal well for London, 27, 4 2 W. William stratired quaterday on the singles near Cowes. Neera (As) Huperra (Es), from Robin May 30.

-Arrived: Peruvian Congrem, from from May Martin Glyn- She got off to-daz without or apparent damage. The following telegrazas have 'been received at the Under- and Alliance (sal, Antonia, for Monte Video: for Londott. City, from London. Vesper, daton, of frain Trinidnd, May 23, 47 21 W. with from Bilbao.

Sailed: Neptuno (ca), fur Glasgow, May 14, 23 24 W. (nil, received at the Under writers' Rooms this day Punta Tarragona Arenas: I rospuro Itacetto, for Odessa: Adela (Na), for Mosel Bay, June June 1. 2-Pamed: -Arrived: Garendo Capo (es), from London for Vesta, from Bristol for Philadelphia, May 22, 5 from The fallowing telegrams havo been Arrived Baltio from Liverpool. Barcelona: Nereid (as), for Rouen; Livadia for Medeirn, cc. Vigilant, hence for New York, May 31, off Tuskar (oni, from welters' Booms this day from Spines, Adelaide, May Bangalore Calcutta.

Bombay. Glenavon and Lind my (as), 'for Gibraltar; William Adelaide, Nicolaief, May Yarm (st, for Antwerp, W. R. Grace, from Baltimore, 36 1 4, 18 N. 37 W.

City of Aden, May Durham (so), Aden, June 1. Manora for Dawson (as), for Caen: Surab, for Rio for Jeneiro; Havre: Errante, Clio, and for Port Said, June 3. Arrived: Hampton (as), from Rotter- Warwick, bound 8., for May 7. 8.N, May 28, 11 19 N.3.W. Akyab, May 20.

Banan (re), from Singapore. Adelaide, from June 1. Arrived: Helendea, from London; Josef, Amsterdam: for Cape Louise Verde; (sR), for Mewlin St. Nazairo: Le Quito (as), for dato; Littlebeck Sailed: Horrowdale Baltimore ha), (en), Ulgues for (sc), Liverpool. And Willie Wimburn, Rood, hence of New York, Halifax, from Peru for Falmouth, May 31.

Arrived: Leapian (as), from Liver- Charlotte, Altons, May Sailed: Lawson (art, for Liverpool, Bilbao: Hornet for Vigo; Amethyst, for Herham (as). 3 -Arrived: City of Durham from 14. W. Genoa; Arrived: from Liverpool, Ariel. for Seville: Western Maid for Harriet, and Sailed: Gillies (a), for Havre: Lot Waltara (ship), steering April 14, 26 31 W.

pool. Ascension by telegraph dated Madeira, May 30). -Arrived: Barbadoes, May 31. -Sailed: Zibo, for Enmore; and Orchid. Pietson, for Sic Malo: Bemaris, for Trouvitie: Solids, for Ditton (sal, 0).

for London;, for Madeira; Alert, for Wandering Jew, Alay 22, 40 N. 37 W. Angelo Bean Pins (). John Nicholson, Britanula, Prince Scottish Frederick, Admiral, Bombay. -Amrived: May 31, Mounon, Liverpool; frota Boston Gilroy, India Mandala, St.

for St. Nialre: Thomas George Washington, for Billiao; Mouse Zephyr (ship), of London, for Philadelphia, April Banters. Valkyries, (az), the Olde. Bailed May 29, Italia el, for Liverpoel. Video: Fausto, for Sugapore; Angelo, for Genoa; and Plymouth, June proceeded; Cloud, from Cortana; Zibe, bonnd May 21, 45 W.

Bophio Benefactross, bot from George (ca), fur Clio (sc), from Bristol for 40 W. Bombay, May 24. Balled: Mabel, for Dunkirk. from Belfact, June 1. Arrived Dana (co), from Pernau: Fair Nicolina, for Singapore.

Pelago Antwerp, (an), and from Hamburg for Barvelona, for cools Philadelphia Beachy Head, MAy 31. Robert Puseed: Brown Camdeo (as), of (os), of Shiekta; Shields; Head las), from Pernon. Sailed Ocean Prinds Star, von for Archangel. from Caralier, June of 2. British Sunderland Queen, of of London: Sunder- merce from St.

Sailed: Lady Louis for LOCAL MARINE BOARD. Rialto for City Ocean of Swell, Limerick of lest, Towey; of Liverpool. Monte Bristol, Video. June 1. Sailed: -Arrired: Kron Webster (sal, for Archangel.

Lartington (1), of Sunderland; Chamois of Hartlepool Ethel, June for Lisbon, Arrived: Storm King, and Wander- MASTERS, MATES, ENGINEERS, York for Bombay. May 30. Monrovia, from from TAverpool. Cardin: May Cronstadt. Arrived: Mar 29, Nyanza (n), from the Tyne; Sarah Smith, of Aurora Birgette, (es) of and Odeuse.

Ind Jew, from San Francisco: Otter, from St. for John's Return of masters, matos, engineers, 31, Belfast, Ancona May fast, from Suer; Arrived: Mary Hogarth, from Phila- May Neva (as), from the 31. Tyne, Passod: Harelda (os). from both Dundee, from Inne Croustadt. 2.

Amethyst us), from Archangel. feel, Diverpool. Sailed: Eurioo, for Liverpool: Quebec; Palry, Lincluden, Cork: for roported to have passed their examinations Dresden Bickley (as), from Pernau Constantinople, Kay Dartmouth, June 2. -Arrived: Gold-u Horn, from Middles- Talisman, Cannie, for wad Guissepiua Local Marine Board, under the provisions of the Balied: delphis: Bristol, May Arcadia, 31. from Arrived: Dora, from Demerara; Lauretta, Ibrail for le Boo, from Liverpool, for New Fork, and procouded, Gonge Dusingans, for Limerick; Nora, Shipping Act for week ending May 29, 1880.

from 8t. Vincent: J. B. Buy Ina), from Nantes; Escape, from Cienfuegos. -Arrived: Prince Birker, for London.

Waacce for London, Accame. Liverpool. The letters denote Master Extra: 0 Havre: Ellen Stuart, from San Henriette, Francisco. Liverpool. Constantinoplo, May May 30.

Arrived: Osiris (ad, from Dover, Jams Presed Henry Edgo Georgs from Andrews, New of York Ports- for June dacer (3), from Ordinary; 1 First Mate; 0 Only Mate, Colombo for from Liverpool. Liverpool. mouth. Middlesborouch: from London. Mate: HT Home Trade Master: -Arrived: Catania- A lest, from Liverpool.

Antwerp; for Glencoe Adalaido: (ss), of London Shanghal, Juns 2. -Arrived: Electra (at), froze Hamburg, Home Mate; Master of Yacht: 1 Bay: Gothland umber (13), from from Liverpool. Copenhagen, May from 84. Peters- London Melbourne, from London Bevan, for from Melbourne: for Don Rio (a), Janeiro: from and Anchises (os), from Liverpool. class Engineer: 2 0 Engineer; Liverpool, Arrived: May 22, Indian (a), from Liverpool, burg for London.

Liverpool Londen for 8t. Naraire; Woodkomn of Shields: Talis Ringdore Andalusian kEl, from from Liverpool. Liverpool. Master in Steam; Mate in Steam sud 0 and and left on the 28th ou her homeward royage. Corunna, Arrived al: Idrett (sa), from Christian of Christiania; Drunkendry of ow Ethel Engina, Juno Smyrna, trotn Sydney for London: Deviation.

from June Arrived and left Cardifi, MAy 31. Arrived: Perrine from B4. Naraire sand Darunouth, Oporto, June coaled, procseded, (as), of for (al, of Middlesbrough Sunderland: Lodoro John Scilly, Pennie, from Adelaide for London Libera, from New Robert C. 0 John May York. Williato.

from Gravillo: Souvenir, fem Harte: Nora (rs), Lander, from: Jane Rotterdan. Arrived: Sharperton, trom Tyne for Agues Reggio: and Domti Lonis, Jau), of Ant' York Enr from 1, Titania, for Dal John George Davies 000. John B. Timor from Marseillea: Augustine Marie, from 81. Male for Anna Olga, from K.

King from Tyne from Trieste far Gloucester: W. Parley William J. Oron- from (os), from Dieppo; Bomorzastro Passed: Congrems of Middleshorough: for Ayres: London; Southampton, June 3-Arded: Mowed (an), from Now Charles IL Kempson, George B. Paulin. and from Adela from Rouen Podus, from Hamburg for Malaga: Haughton In, of Sunderland.

for Yak: from Mina Vs), from Welt May Liverpool; 28. front Eaplota from Cartingens. Sailed: Cherwell, of of Hilda, of Bora. Cardiff: Don for St. for Namiro; Melbourne, Far all West, from for London: Rio for from Bremen; Havro: Maria for Horseur; for The Last Slip of the India from St.

sud of Hash, of Fano; Dial, June 200 Malta: Lorenzo, for Griffin Val, from Honfour. Salled: Mosel Trurethick les), for pas), for Babies Den d'Olonne; Oyfarthis Le Bilbao: Deal, Jane 1- Halewood, from Adelaide: London Ravene for Sybil Taeiro: Wynn, and from Melbourne, St. Kitta for London. BL. Si.

Guernsey (a), for for Cherbourg; Malo; Durban Brittaug (m), I to the Privy Scale for Taros, Rochefors; Esmerside Jarag (on) for Bentos; from Bull for from Ya London Rohl, of FaDo, from Elsinore, Balled; And Flora, for Malo Antonia Los I 0000 8 cargoes in merchant ships." From and after the Arst day of Angust, 1820, and during the continuance of this act, no cargo of more than one-third consists of any kind of grain, rice, paddy, pulse, seeds, nuts, or nut kernels, after referred to grain cargo," shipped in any port except a port having a system of regulations and carried inepootion approved by the Board of Trade, shall be on board say British ship unless such grain cargo be contained in bags, sacks, or barrels, or unless such ship be provided with a certificate signed by a secretary or an secretary of the Board of Trade, of or by a person authorised in that behalf by the Board Trade, to the effect that such ship has been specially bailt or fitted to carry grain cargo in balk with safety. If the managing owner or master of any British ship, the or loading any agent of such owner, who is charged with of the ship or the sending her to sea, knowingly allows any grain cargo, or part of a grain cargo, to be shipped therein in any of the said porte, for carriage contrary to the provisions of this section, be shall for every such offence incur a penalty not exceeding 2300, to be recovered upon summary conviction. The managing owner or master of any British ship carrying grain cargo from any port not such excepted from such this net snall, before unloading from ship grain reasonable cargo notice any of part his intention to unload the in of the United Kingdom, give sumne in such port to the collector or other principal ofticer of customs at such port; and the said collector or oficer shall, before the expiration of 24 hours after the receipt of such notice, inspect the mid ship, or cause the came to be inspected that by sore competent person to be authorised If in the behalf by or master of any or British ship unleads from such the said collector officer. managing ship in any port in the United Kingdom any grain owner cargo shipped in such ship from any port not of excepted his from this not, withont having given notice intention 60 to do, in accordance with the provisiona of this act, to the collector or other principal officer of customs such port in the United Kingdom, or before such ship has been inspected, as by this act provided, by the mid collector or other principal that officer behalf of customs, or by a person authorised in the by the said collector or other principal officer, unless said collector or other principal oficer shall, after the receipt of notice as by this act required, refuse or neglect to inspect such ship, or to cause the same to be inspected in accordance with the incur provisions of this act, he shall for every such offence a penalty not exceding £300, to de rocovered upon summary local conviction. acts of Notwithstanding any limitations in any empowered Parliament, to charge double the ordinary rates of dock, all harbour authorities are hereby river, and harbour dues on any.

British or foreign of ship the ship) that grain may cargo be dolivered at their port if on carrying (irrespective of the nationality arrival it appears to have been loaded or stowed in such a manner as would in the case of a British ship be in contravention of this nct, and mach extra charge shall not free the inanaging owner or owner's agent or master from any older penalties that may be exigible under this net. The provisions of this act shall not apply to vessels engaged in the coasting trade. This act, shall continue in force until the 1st day of GRAIN CARGOES BILL The following is the heart of the bill brought in by Mr. Anderson, M.P, to amend the Merchant Shipping Acts, and regulate the stowing of grain July, 1881. FOREIGN AND COLONIAL MAILS.

JUNE. The figure at the commencement of each initial letter and paragraph denotes the day of the month and of the weck. DEPARTURES. Shoving the Time the Letter-box is closed at the Chief Office Western District), Liverpool. Daily, 11 15 (Sundays, 1 15 p.m.

(supplemsatary mail), and 9 30 -To the Continent generally, To the Continent generally, 9 30 p.m. p.m. (8a.) -tWest Coast of Africa and Madeira, via Trinidad, Liverpool, 12 noon Burbadoes, La Guryra, Puerto Cabelio, Curacos, Savanilia, Cartbagena, and Colon, via Liverpool, 8 a.m.; 1 Bermuda (supplementary 50 mall), Canada, and States, via Oork, 8 p.m. -Egypt, via Naples, 11 15 a.m. (To -1United States, via Cork, 8.

30 p.m.; Chili, Bolivia, and Peru, it specially addressed via United Blates, 8 30 p.m.; 8 30 p.m.; Brazil, Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, Cape de Vends, and Portugal, via Southamptou, 9 30 p.m.; Egypt, by French packet, 9 30 p.m. (Ta.) Mexico, St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince, Kingston, fCanada, Belize, and Vera Cruz, Now via Brunswick, Liverpool, and 10 Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, by Canadian via Derry, 8 30 p.m.; United States and Bermuda, via Cork, 8. 30 p.m.; Chili, Bolivia, and Peru, if specially addressed via United States, 3 80 p.m.; Cape Colony, Natal, and Madeira, via Dartmouth, 3 30 p.m., and by supplementary mail 9 30 p.m.; China, Ceylon, and Bingapore, by French packet, 9 30 patio (F.) -India, Egypt. Beyrout, and Cyprus, via Brindist, 11 15 a.m.: China, Ceyion, and Singapore, by Frunch packet, 11 15 a.m.

West Coast of Airies, Gambia, and Madeira, via Liverpool, 11 a.m.; Bermada (supplementary mail), Canada, and United States, via Coris, 8'30 p.m. Egypt, via Naples, 11 15 a.m. States, via Cork, 8 30 p.m.; Egypt, by French packet, 9 80 p.m. Rio de Janeiro, Monte Video, Duenos Agres, Sandy Point, Chili, Peru, and Bolivia, via Liverpool, 2 p.m.; West Indies sad the Pacific, vis Southampton, 9 80 p.m. (Th.) Cano Colony, St.

Helena, Ascension, and Madeira, via Plymouth, 3 80 and (by supplementary mail) 9 30 p.m.: 1Canada, Now Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, by Canadian packet, via Derry, 8 30 p.m.; States and Berinuda, via Cork, 8 30 p.m.: New South Wales, Now Zealand, and Fiji, via San Francisco, 8 30 p.m.; Portugal, Rio de Janciro, Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, Obili, Bolivia, and Peru (supplementary mail), via Bordeaux, 9 30 p.m. (F.) -India, Straits Settlements, Chins, Carion, Victoria, South and West Australia, Tasmania, Queensland, Egypt, Regrout, and Cyprus, via Brindisi, 11 15 a.m.; Brazil, Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, Senegal, and Portugal, by French packet, 11 15 a.m., and (by supplementary mail), 9 S0 p.m.; Malta, via Marseilles, -1 West and South-west 45 p.m.; Consta of Africa Mar- and Madeira, via Liverpool, 1 Malta, via seilles, 11 15a.m. Mexico, Cuba, Martinique, Guadaloupe, Hayti, Porto Rico, St. Thomas, by French packet, 11 15 1.m.; (sup- and plementary mail), Eshamas, Belize, Canada, the United States, via Cork, 830 p.m.; Chili, Bolivia, and Peru, Li specially addressed via United States, 8 30 p.m. (M.) Egypt, via Statos, Naples, via 11 Cork, 15 3 a.m.

30 p.m.; 8 30 Egypt, by French packet, 930 (W.) -Martinique, Gandaloupe, La Guayra, Puerto Cabello, United States of Colombia, the Pacillo, by French packet, 11 15 a.m., and by supplementary mail, 930 p.m.; Brazil, Monte Video, Buenos Agras, and Portugal, via Southampton, 9 80 p.m. (Th.) Cope Colony, Natal and Madeira, via Dartmouth, 330, and by supplementary mail, 9 p.m.; New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Canadian Bermuda, and Prince Edward Island, by packet, Pennuda, via Derry, Cork, 30 8 30 p.m.; Chins, via 8 Cerion, Singapore, aud Mauritius, by French packet, 9 (P.) Trinidad, La Guayra, Puerto Cabello, Curacao, Santa Martha, Colon, Carthagena, and United States of Colombia, Liverpool, 10 a.m.; Brindisi, Indie,; Egypt, China, Regrout, Ceylon, Cyprus, via Singapore, and Mauritius, supplementary French packet, 11 15 a.m. (Sa.) West Coast af Africa and Madeira, vis Liverpool, 11 a.m.; 1 Bermuda via (supplementary mail), Canada, and United States, Cork, 8 30 (M.) via Naples, 11 16 a.m.; Malta, via seilles, 9 80 p.m.

(Tu.) -Malta (supplementary mail), ria Marseilles, 11 15 a.m; States, via Oork, 8 30 p.m.; Bolivia, and Peru, if specially addressed United (W.) p.m.; Brazil, Monte Video, and Buenos States, 8 30 Egypt, by French a packet, 9 80 a Ayres, via Liverpool, 1 p.m. ARRIVALS. Showing the Dates the Mails are Due at the Chief Office (Western District), Liverpool. Daily (Sundays excepted). and 11 a.m, From the Contiment generally, 7 a.m.

30 deliveries. the Continent generally. 4 -India, Cyprus, and Egypt, via Brindisi: Canada, by Canadian packet; Newfoundland, Cork. 6 (81.) United States and Canada, via Cork; Ayres, Monte Video, Marseilles, and Portugal, via Southampton: Malta, via 7 (Ar.) United States, via Plymouth; China, and Singapore, by French packet. 8 (Tu.) Colony, 8t.

Helena, Ascension, Madeira, via Plymouth Brazil, Monte Buenos Ayres, Senegal, and Portugal, by packet. 9 South Wales and New Zealand, via Francisco. 10 (Th.) -United States, via Cork; West Coast of and Madeira, vis Liverpool. 11 (F.) -India, Straits Settlements, China, Australin, Queensland, Cyprus, and Egypt, Brindisi; Canada, by Canadian packet. 13 (Hu.) United States and Canada, via Cork; Indies and Pacific, via Plymouth; Mexico, Martinique, Gusdaloupe, Hayti, Porto Rico, Thomas, by French packet.

14 (M.) -United States, via Plymouth. 15 (Tu.) -Cape Colony, Natal, St. Helena, and Madeira, via Plymouth. 16 Bruzil and Portugal, via Southampton; Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, and Portugal, Bordeaux. 17 (Th.) -United States, via Cork; West Coast of and Madeira, via Liverpool 18 Cyprus, and Egypt, vis Brindisi: Martinique, Guadaloupe, Venezuela, United of Colombia, by French packet; Canada Bermuda, by Canadian packet; Newfoundland, Cork.

20 United States States, and via Canada, Plymouth; via Cork. Cape Natal, and Madeira, via Plymouth China, Singapore, and Mauritius, by French packet, 23 (W.) Rio de Janeiro, Monte Video, Buenos Senegal, and Portugal, by French West packet. Coast 24 (Th.) -United States, via of Gambia, and Madeira, via Liverpool. 25 (I.) -India, Buraits Settlements, China, Australia, Zanzibar, Cyprus, and Egypt, vis disi; Canada, by Canadian packet. 95 (8a.) -Martinique, Guadaloupe, the United States Colombia, by French packet.

27 (Su.) United States and Canada, via Cork. 28 (M.) United States, via Ply mouth West Indics Pacific, vin Plymouth; Capo Colony, Natal, Madeira, vis Plymouth. 23 (Tu.) Rio de Janeiro, Monte Video, Chili, and tugal, via Bordeaux. 1 Letters, bearing postage stamps for a late one penny fu addition to the ordinary postage, posted for the Brazilian, West Coast of Africa, and India mails, via Liverpool, for half an hour after closing of the letter box, and for the United States Canada vin. Cork, or Canada via Londonderry, for an after the closing of the letter box.

Letters, do, West Coast of Africa, prepaid the ordinary rate late fee of 1s. in postage stamps, are also received postoffice on the Landing stage up to the departure the tender from the stage, NEWSPAPERS FOR ABROAD. Rates of postage (in all eases prepaid by postage stamp asixed) for single copies of newspapers not excoeding four ounces, exclusive of local charges for delivury: Africa, West Coast of 1d Alexandria, via Mi seilles 10 Reypt via Brindid and Australia, vin Brindist via San Francisco Greece, via Franch pack! Bavaria Holland Belgium India, Brand, via Southampton 1a via Malta via French pacicet Mexico, Southan Bremen, via da 1 pool packet B. Ayres, via ria French York packet via Liverpool New via French packet 10 Scotia, via Canadian Halifax Onnada, via via p'ckt via Canadian p' via Cane of Good Hope Portugal China, via Russia. Cuba, via W.

India p'ekot Spain, via Franco via United Sweden, via Chili, Do. via via French packet Turkes, via French Chill, via per United West Indies French pocket United States For Japan, see China -Monte Video, Buenos A via Liverpool 14 -Natal, see Cape of Good Hope Bouth Wales, Western Zealand, Queensland, faemania, Victoria, and Anstralin, see Anstraila- California, United StaterCairo and see Alexandria. The Eastern next -Punch. Liverpool Patent Office of (6, Lord-street), and W. Costa P.

Thompson Patent and Book Plain English, Regulations 6d. -Advt. gratis. Law in PARIS -The manafacturers beg to caution the public against imitation square blue of very inferior Prince quality. Wales's The is Paris Blue in squares (used in the of laundry) soid in wrappers bearing their name and trade mark.

Send P. 0.0. to John A. Inman, 29, 84. James'.

street, and the size of your intended's finger, and he will forward you by return of post a 22-carat Wedding Ring, any price from 101. to 50. Solid Gold Keeper Ring from la. to -Note the address, 29, 61. City.

yje5 HABITUAL CORTTINES cured by taking one of the Life Addition Pills every night on retiring. They are very mild in their action, perfect antibalions pill, and purely vegetable. Chariot Of most chemists. Principal office 57, Great street, Liverpool. Sent anywhere for 14 stamps.

None genuine B. Brandreth in on the Government CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE LIVER, BLOOD, AND LUNGS. TRUE NATURE RATIONAL TREAT POSITIVE of the BY People's Sense Medical PIEROE, (over 900 Pages, soarly 300 Founder of the World's Invalid's Hotel, Buffalo, N. with Branch Great London, W.0. The NEW writer desires to preface the con of the HOPE FOR THE AFFLICTED entioned at the band of this article by maying theories which ha about to advance has been that the truthfulnes of the new and confirmed treatment by a of vast thousands of cases at the largest private experience, embracing the successful in the world, and he therefore promulga his views without fear of their being controve torpid, ted.

and He diseased has liver can he tracod many diseases discovered that to con of diverse symptoms, and affecting various treated Me organs. if Many of these diseases both Are physician and patient being doomed primary to affections, disappoint sent in an utter lsck of farourable for, to treat its disease true nature. we must hara a clear conception of LIVER DISEASE. The liver is the largest gland in the human and system. has It is the great puntying organ of the system, of our very health.

appropriately I bare been observed in the dissecting-room, termed the and also in making post-mortem examinations of diseases, the bodies of those who bare died of different that evidence in a of largo having at proportion some of time cases bocn diseased. Liver the liver has given butcher affections knows are that equally the livers of cattle, sheep, and premalent in beasta. Every nrine are ten times as frequently diseaaed as any other organ. The importance of the Liver as blood purifying and excretory organ cannot be overest mated, Tho foul and morbid matter absorbed from the various tlasues and taken into the blood is into absorbed therefrom by a hoalthy liver and converted bile. it When the liver becomes torpid or congested, falls to eliminate this vast amount of noxious hlood endand be conveyed to erery part of the system.

Nature stance, which, therefore, remains to poison the tries to work off this poison through other channels and organs- -the lungs, skin, these organs become orertared in performing this labour in addition to their natural functions, and cannot long withstand the pressure, but become rarionaly diseased. DISEASES CAUSED BY CLOGGED OR TORPID LIVER. CONSUMPTION. The hile-poisoned blood from the upper and right carity of the beart to dreulating the lower through cavity, all thence parts of directly to inost lungs, delicate organs. The tissues of the the lungs are poisoned and irritated, the blood and is invite burdened, the scrofulous humours with which by which being is scrofula of the lungn, so way defined by all tho thus irritated.

In this consumption, most scientino authors, is established. FRONCEITIS. The bile-poisoned blood is in a mensure effort oxygenised these and purined by the langs; bat in organs are bronchitis, and consumption itself are the overworked and irritated. Nervous cough, natural remite. The lungs would not have become diseased I had the Iror done its duty by excreting the bile.

ASTEMA. This spasmodic and distressing malady is produced generally the impure result blood- of -the indirect nervous result, in other words, of reflex setiou, by performed functions on the part of the improperly Liver. HEART DISEASE excess The of bile unduly stimulates the nerves of the blood surchunged with the dally accumulated heart, and if this cause be long continued undue it produce chronic irritation, palpitation, or and' morbid patrition of that organ, developing many forms of heart disease. which the grunt clectrical cantre of all SICK HEADACHE. The vitality, brain, is unduly stimulated by the unhealthy blood which passes to it from the heart, and it fails to perfor its office healthfully.

Hence another name dulness, for dis billions ines, rick incapacity (really to keep the mind on any abject, headache only frapairment of memery, sleepy irritability or of nervous temper. feelings, gloomy forebodings, SKIN DISEASES: blood poison, not being warked off by the liver, The and filtering through the skin, becoruca 10 pustules, perid conly incrustations, lumps, indarued patches, as to produce blotches, pimples, eruptions, send, impetigo, prurigo, viralent, psoritais, the salt poison rheum, breaks tester, out fu or bolls, carbuncles, ulcers, or old sores that are becoming atill mare to boal, DYSPEPSIA The affected, stomach sooner and or later, and piles, bowcis cannot escape becoming dyspepsia, the and necessary many other results. forms of dropsy, discase are among A series of disczacs, commonly known AS SCROFULOUS DISEARS. long is cauaed by of the liver the want of BOTOexcretion of the poisonous festering matter talons, torpor proper circulating in the blood. These cause maladies too unmerous to mention, SYMPTOMS.

The symptoms of liver disesee and ita remitant may tramperament, or constitution of the differ according to the Aptitude, individuni and the compliostions age, of the disease. Not unfrequently the complexiou under the becoznes eyes, pale bilious and or sallow, siok and there is bitter patiness truste in the mouth, tongue costed white er covered with a brown fur, hacking cough, fever, sometimes others an it dry and harsh, grensy appesrance of the of at spirits, and a is decided tendenes to There be is discouraged depression and despondent. The functionnl powers of the stomach are impaired, there is is lows felt of in the appetite region or of the stomach, oppression, sometimes it becomes capricious, unused and water brash, or there irregular, is indigestion During and the the circulation sluggish, the feet and hands are tho bowels become day but at night the pulse is and the is hands and the soles of the foet hare 8 cold, pains burning sensation. The foregoing symptoms are not of the all present in one case, nor are any to two the cases alike most in respect. They vary according organa implicated in the derangement, We to RATIONAL the reader's reason if it TREATMENT is not fair to that the whole Les of that can appeal logically and real causes abould not be cared by the be and demonstratively traced to their primers or remedies to remove such appliostion Briedy to recapitulate, it bas been shown how biliary poisons, which tu health the are functions removed of the from liver, the by blood their and pernicious operation on the hiring system through produce great variety diseases, of alcers, distressing ecrofusymptoms, and innumerable preilings, skin nod lingering and grate sores consumption, asthma or phthisic, heart lung kidney diseases, dyspepsia, costi reness, and and other serious affections.

All these several diriRODE of maladios are mAny nature and demanding as times treated if entirely different untie of in remedies; according to the peculiar their theory of the 64 school' or confidently individual asserta, practitioner, as the 1'na writer, of his nevertheless, obsorrations, that the diseases resni ta in this article can be most successfully trested mesas addressed to the liver, and he bases 30 by this opinion upon long experienco as consulting to the largest manitariam in the world, assertion and his reputation as a physician upon the physicien and that these diseates can be, and are cured by a potent alterative or blood purifier and of the liver most invigorator. efficient 50 The actire remedial properties Are agents LOW scientifically combined in Golden Medical Dieknown of the above cissses of medicine covery. through thal organ, upon the blood, the which acts especially the liver, and, via and watem generally. by does not GOLDEN debilitate the liver by over stimulation, MEDICAL DISCOVERY. nor irritate delicate the processes stomach of and digestion, neither does it act bowels by disturbing the sererity upon the blood; but much it operates 50 p.m.

with gently, insenaibly, and yet with so certainty, Mar- that excites the surprise and admiration of all who nse it, Its organs and processes, sation which upon co-operate in the removal favourable all the emunctory Chili, of mortid materials from the system, is marked. If, howerer, the bowels be be unusually in conjunction (chronic p.m. constipatian), it would with the Discorery, to use which are powerfully niterative, besides being mild, PLRASANT PURGATIVE PELLETS gentic, and unirritating in their operation. They the are the natural allies- -remedial Discovery, should and the two in work anall doses, barmoniously and their together. nee perseveringly followed until the bowels are properly They be taken regulated.

-R. V. PIKECE, M.D. -Deer Sir, I was down with OCNSUMPTION, DISEASED LIVER, ULCERS. consumption and some ribs, disease and of the liver, enlargement as I had of Buenos terrible pain under the an the right side in the same region.

I was treated for long time by two of the best up physicians to die. in As a Illinois last Ceylon, without I benefit, commanced both giving using me your Golden Medical resort, and Pellets. To my astonishment 1 and menced to improve, and am now perfectly well, after comtaking nine bottles. I am DOT a wonder, as Video, French no one thonght I could live. was afficted BOGIE eight years, and had about 40 ulcers DOW come fully out and on Ban rarlous parta of my body, They Are firmly healed.

Gratefully OUMMINGS, yours, Carlinville, Ill. Africa MARY E. ENLARGED LIVER and SCROFULA. of -Dr. R.

V. PIERCE -Dear I attacked the with ague, 15, from cold and malaria, resulted in an enlargemont of the liver, constant constipation, loss of appotite, catarrh, and sore resulted throat. had also gatherings in my ears, which this almost in entire for in way, perfect wreck of humanity, receiving 28 years, trying phonician after physician without bocamo persuaded any of beneft the whatever. My busband ralue of your medicines and I was and induced to try your Golden Medical I began Discovery, rapidly to my improve. astonish- Ms ment akin, and which was pleasure before covered with to bran-lica souled.

soon became as smooth and soft that of child. By using the Pellets also, I sound found well, myself at wander the end of three months perfectly and a to HESTER LACKEY, Yanktown, Ohio. myself and friends. LIVER COMPLAINT, and 61. Cloud House, been V.

your PIERCE, Golden Medical M.D.Dear Doctor, I have using Discovery It and is Pellets impossible for to Liver the complaint eratitade sad express I feel. It is simply wonderful the effect your medicines hare had upon me J. 0. DA BLOOD DISRASES. Medical authors describe about 50 their varieties of skin similar treatment, is la of no practical to know they all require for cure just what name to apply to a certain it.

form of disease 00 you know how to cure Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is the great fountain of life, and good diguation, a fair skin, bno ant spirits, strength, and sound nom constitutien will all to us. We hare shown how the liver bloodcleansing organ of the system. Bet the great keeper of car bealth at work, and the corruptions which accumniate in the blood, and rot out, as it ware, the machinery of life, are gradually from the system. We bare already shown that for this purpose Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovers and Dr.

Pieros's Purgative Pellets are, per excellence. the articles needed. They cure every kind of humour. from the wert scrofula to the commons pimple, blotch, or eruption. The eftoota at all medicines which operate the system through the medium of the blood Are Decessarily somewhatsiow, no matter how good the remedy emplored.

While one to three bottles of Discovery and Pellets will clear the skin of pimples, a dozen or or eren two dozen bottles may be required to cure mane casca. The euro of trim the common pimple to the worst scrofula is, with the of these most potent arents, only matter ed time -R. V. PIERCE, M.D.-Dear dr, my sol, who has been mitering from extensive upon his legs, commenced to improve at once upon the Golden Medical Discovery. They friend, entirely most baled, thankfully, he L.

8. robust SMITE, Cheater, Pa. and is in your PACE SWOLLKN OUT OF SHAPE CURED.84. -R. V.

PIERCE, M.D., Buffalo, N.Y -I wish to add my testimony to the wonderful properties of your A. It. or interest Golden in this Medical medicine Disovery. I Arak have taken I was great with dyspep I uned it. sis, liver deranged, and an almost and perfect complete prostration did of the system.

Bo rapid Um Discovery effect a perfect care, that is seemed tike magic, and was a perfect wonder to myself sad docs that Lime we have serer been without the Discovery and Purgative Pellets in the a solid, sound family physician in the house, and really to ty to the of dick rithout charys. We have never had a doctor in the house rince we first began the use of your Pellet and Discovery. I have recominanded the these medicines in several severe and arising from, as I thought, an impure of the blood, and in no one case have bicy failed to more accomplish all they are claimed to do. 1 only mantion one (though could Fou dozens). Heury Kosher, den of this place, who one of the most ever seen, his face swollen out of scaler end, which covered with blotches poatned to affect it a him to try few the Golden Medical Discovery, with daily use of the PelJets, scouring hint it would dix surely reeks He its use Pellets for a the and cured.

Bed the dill of our best ord and of this place, are selling largely of seedicines, and the demand they dive perfect W. H. CHAMPLIN, Agt. Am. Era.


dr, bappy to praised, ant the crave. ent large an and face, procured your Golden Medical and Purgative hare taken I am in good aloes and left in a natural healthy conI thought at one could not be but poorly in jog 01 1 Sundays 5 7 8 for 10 W. 11 12 15 2N, 16 17 W. out, 8, all 18 24, 22. 19 W.

W. 21 W. 23 the 24 W. 40 W. 25 Start.

26 W. Hook 23 39 29 W. 30 W. W- Singapore, 21 46 17, 18 W. 76 W.

0 N. May 13, 23 W. 11 May May 29 45 60 W. 24 W. 26 30 W.

South May 11, 94 days 18 W. Ronen, London, 24 W. W. Tuskar. Bay April 23, 11 W.

May 21, A W. W. May 22, 25, 4 who were before the Merchant Master 2 FirstX 0 0 2 on and: prayer of yours truly, BELLIS LAMES 0. R. DOCTORS V.

PIERCE Dear air, years agu I WANTED TO TAKE HIS LEG on the Atlantie Occan, and on the cold leg, and continually a large dischargins. was attended to form esch Liverpool, Havre, New (whers New the hospital Island the doctors wanted to take one spending Golden in am less than thankful three to months I completely and ice after taking the bottle, the drat the to ten years 490 put my left huel evening, to the and aball gronnd. be I am to at satisfy bome any nearly person of every the truth yours respectfully, WILLIAN RYDER, Jefferson street, Butalo, N.Y. CONSUMPTION. In previous sabdivision of this article I have shown that the liver is the organ of the human systems.

When this or inactive, a grant house keeper of our of bealth noxious becomes poisons torpid in the of blood. this poison Natare through tries other channels and organs, and to work off and tree the system through the exhalation thrown of through the hangs ta respiration. The blood la in a but in monaure this org effort genated and and overwork purified these by organs the lungs, become irritated, and nervous and consumption itself are irritated the by natural the bile- poisoned The blood circalating results. Lanes of the lunes being through most dolicataly constructed organs, of the blood are invited to the lungs, and local scrofulous disease in established. The general health boomies broken down, And the person feels in languid, weak, faint, drowsy, and confused liver, and Pain We right side, in the region of the pathetic pain in the shoulder and spine, and patient through the tunes, is generally experienced.

The has dry backing cough. Minute tubercles are developed in the lungs, and perhaps exist for months unknown to their victim. Nothing done Cough to is only remove by of the the discase, yet this only is aimed at. ordinary treatment. There la Do rational way to cure consamption exempt to purify the blood.

Set the Hirer actively at work, hr and the foul corruptions which have accumuiated the blood, and which cat out the vital machinery, are gradually expelled from the system. the The tubercles poisonous are materials to the blood which cause therety thrown off and vitality the supported, development the agatem of thus and built prevented and tubercles Remove the blood poison by restoring the action of the of the liver, real and the diacome, cough, which is July a syarptom relieved. You thereby strike at the root of incipient consumption and oure the patient. GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Will not raise the dead, nor will it cure consumption when the lungs are almost wholly consumed. bat will, as has been demonstrated in hundreds of cases, health and strength, if it be adininistered in the positively arrest pulmonary consumption, and restore early stages of the disease.

From its wonderful power over this terrible disease, when arst I offering now celebrated remedy to the public, though favourably of calling it my Consumption Cure: but I finally decided not to apply to it a name which might mislead the public, and prevent its use in other for which it is also so admirably sis pied, Lo addition to pectoral and alterative active principles, it possesses wonderful nutritive properties which peculiarly adapt it to the wants of the consumptive and scrofulous. The nutritive properties of cod liver ail are trifting when compared with those possessed by my Discovery. It is astonishing to see how it builds up the solid muscles, and increases the flesh below and the weight of those whose systems are reduced oral standard of perfect health by wasting diseases. CONSUMPTION PIERCE father died with consumption, and I thought I going the same My cough could not be stopped until I took your Discovery. It stopped the couch, and cured me, and I have remained so for tro years Mrs.

R. E. MITCHELL, Jonesboro, Tenn. V. PIERCE.

M.D.-Dest sir, I have been taking your Golden Medical Dis covery, and now dad myself much better than bare been for years. The ulcers on my legs, the ob stinate and painful cough, and constipation, have entirely batt me. I feel lite a new man. -I remain, yours, G. C.

SHORT, New London, Conn V. PIERCE, M.D. Dear I write to express my gratitude for the benefits cotained from your medicines. I was treated for by several of the first physicians of without benefit. Soon after I commenced taking your Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets the cough, constipation, and moking pains, the bone of my life, left me, and I hare since been enjoying health.

-Your grateful patient, Mrs. R. GORDON, Ont. BLEEDING PROM LONGS. Chicago, WORLD'S MEDICAL Gentlemen, for fears I have been a great sufferer.

My trouble first started with terrible ague chills and constipation. I Mao had a racking couch and trequent bleeding from the inngs. had been condoctoring, consulting physicians without number. From them I received no or encouragement. The most noted physicians of our city expressed their opinions in the brief but few days hopeless words, Take rood care of yourself the you bare to live; we cannot belp you.

grew steadily worse under their treatment. One day, through rendins your Memorandum Book, I learned of the relief, Golden Medical Discovery. With but little hope of I purchased a bottle and took it. To my surprise and satisfaction, it did mo more good than al the drugs I had taken the year round. I am now steadily using it with benefit, and recommend it to all to be just what it la ad vertised.


Great Price DISCOVERY, 2. and 4s, W.0., PLEASANT PURGATIVE PELLETS, 1s. pant, carriage paid, upon receipt of postaffice order UNPARALLELED -In "The People's Common Medical Ad riser (which costs only Sa, treatment postage for prepaid), consumption a is suggested, which has, in complete course of medics) 6 large experience, been attended with A success bore ore unparalleled ba the history of WORLD'S this distr DIS PINSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Great malady. Address Rossell-stroct-baildings, London, W.0. THO IS DE.

PIERCE? Presuming that our patrons may desire to know something of the life-work and history of Dr. Pierce, the whose medicines are offered to the posple of Waited Kingdom and British doctor's Colonies, a few append brief to the foregoing article from the pen extracts from the American Prom A MAN R. V. OF THE Pierce, the TIME Buffalo (N.P Commercial Hardly a dosen Ago be Speaking of Dr. here young and unknown man, almost triendless, with no pital accept his own manhood, which, however, included plenty of brains and pluck indomitabie perseverance, and inborn uprightness, capital enough for any young man in this and progrestive country, if only he has rood bealth weil.

had all these great natural and one thing more, an excellent education. He had stadied medicine, and been Hoeneed to practise as a physician But still stadent, fond of investigation and experiment. He discorered or invented important remedial agencies or the sick and suffering to And out (without any body compounds, Not choosing to wait wearily for to tell them) that he could do them good, he advertised his medicines, and ta vited the whole profession of erary school to examine advertised and pronounce judgment on his formulas He add with profusely, a method but which lemon to with extraordinary who neck busines by that perfoetly legitimate marvelous means, His success has been wrest, indeed, that It must be due to intrinsic merit in the articles ho sell, more even than to his onparalleled skill in the use of printer's ink. The druggist to explain the secret of the almost universal present writer once asked a distinguished dispensing demand for Dr. Pierce's medicines.

Re said they In fact, genuine medicines- such for compounds diseases as which every they were advertised to ours. Of course they cost good physician would prescribe the lees than any druggist would charge for the article supplied on physician's prescription, and, besides, there was the doctor's fee saved. Mereover, buying the drugs in such enormous and quantities, comhaving perfect apparatus for not purifying pounding the mixture, be could only get better articles in the first place, but present the medicine in better form, and cheaper than the same mixture possibly be obtained from any other source. THE SUCCESSFUL PHYSICIAN. The 6t.

Louis Globe Democrat Dr. Pierce is 1 type of a class of men who stain too much, nor creating false ideas 48 to ability. Tia by careful and well-dtrected effort, not attempting only reltable physician in theme daya of complicated disorders and high pressure living one in the branch of the the wan who understands his bustuess in his line is Dr. Pierce. He has written a Common- Medical which is wellworth reading.

With strict business honour, high professional dill, reasonable fees, Pierce and has a isrge made cons hie of competent assistants, Dr. name familiar household WELL MERITED SUCCESS, The Naw Fork Times says well The known author of to the People's Medical Adviser is of tine attainmeuts, tha and his Family Medicines are favourite remedies in American pahlic as a physician thousands of our As counsellor and He has devoted all his energies to the alleviation of friend, Dr. Pierce a cultured, courteous gentleman. human suffering. With thisrend in view and his whole heart in the labour, be has achieved marked merit.

success. That his success in real in evidenced by the There can be no real success without true fact that his reputation as a man and is physician steadily dnes not deteriorate; and the fact that there a Increasing demand for his medicines remedies proves for that disease." they are not nostrums, bat reliable Ceylon, via West Cuba, 8t. Brazil, via Africa States and via Colony, Ceylon, Ayres, Africa, Ceglon, of and Por- fee of can be West the and hour for the and at tine of THE PEOPLES COMMON-SENSE MEDICAL ADVISER, OR MEDICINE SIMPLIFIED. By R. V.

Pierce, Invalids M.D. Hotel, Consulting Buffalo, Physician to the This popular work contains information for and the young married, and not old, beretofore published in this country for both male and female, the unprofessional render. It contains over 900 bound pages, nearly 300 coloured and other illustrations, is paid) in extra cloth, and sent to any (post on receipt of 3a. 6d. Address WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, OT.

RUBBELL- STREET BUILD ING8, LONDON, W.C. THE DISTRESS IN IRELAND. In acknowledging further remittance of £500 the Lord Mayor of London for of the Irish Marlborough relief by fund, that there will no doubt be a large amount of the trustees for the duch*em say in certain districts during the pert two moaths, and it is their anxious it desire in as no there way to is relax their efforts to relieve so long any prospect meeting of of the Dablin Mansion House subscriptions coming in. committee on Tuesday, it was suggested to At relief operations of the committee in wind up the consequence of the diminution in It the was stated subscriptions, that the This New proposal Fork Hwaid relief committee bad in hand postponed. the Land League and the the Mansion duch*ess House fund, £20,000.

The distress would of Marlborough's fund, yet continue two months. A special meeting of the Loughrea guardians has been held to consider the question of the great distress existing there. The guardians refuse to apply Local Government outdoor Board relief, and for the 84 order enabling them to give consequence is much discontent amongst the distressed people. A meeting of the St. Helen's committee was held on Monday, the mayor presiding.

It was reported that since the last meeting £207 6s. 9d. bad been forwarded, and there was now a balance in in £1176 band of £26. The amount raised by St. Helens 105.

1d. It decided to close the fund, and forward the balance in hand. The Duke of Edinburgh, presiding at the annual dinner of the Royal Geographical Society on Monday, referring to the distress in Ireland, distress maid -It bar been believed by many that the the coast of Ireland been greatly exaggerated. It has been 60 far beliered that the relief which has been administered perhaps might not have been necessary, and might in some cases have been misspent. think I may confidently the state from what have seen, and from intimate know.

ledge of that relief which I have gained, that the distress is not over yet, and it will not be over for at least two months and a half, when the first crop will be taken of the potato and general harvest. Until then, in many cases, actual relief by feeding the population, ou portions of the west coast and on the islands, will have to be coustantly wintained, otherwise the distress which occurred in the brat instance will occur again. I home those present will bear it in mind that the time is pot completely past when the charitably inclined nay do much good by still seuding subscriptions to these great funds, which have already done so much good. It is to be hoped that may be other things undertaken, such as permanenl works, and encouragement of fisheries on the coast of Ireland. By the encourag ent the I am sure there is great chance of preventing the recurrence of distress Those which are NO much neglected, would give the population upon that coast sure means of existence.

The land is really in many parts incapable of carrying the population, we regards nataral resources, and withor the of the bahing I am cortain that the same thing must ocear again. Good for that Loquacions vina Folks. A wicked wag, writing to Mrs. asks her all people in the world, too) a riddle, and in she never it, encloses the answer difference to it. This is the riddle What between persons and poultry? Why, I the is clerical, the.

The Liverpool Weekly Mercury from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.